Steven Felts Murder Who Killed Him? Where Is The Killer Now?

Steven Felts was killed in 1996. 27 years laters, the case stays perplexing. Steven Felts’ homicide case examination is progressing.

Steven Felts was killed at 36 years old. He was known as a dedicated dad and Lab boss at a substance firm in Houston, and he is popular in the area, according to sources.

His unexpected passing came as a shock for his family and friends and family.

On October fifteenth, 1996, he was severely battered to death. His dead body was found on his love seat, face down, at home. Further, Felts had endured headshot wounds on his back.

In a new episode of “Cold Equity,” which airs on February 25th, 2023, at 8/7c on Oxygen, the manslaughter specialist Steve Spingola and senior examiner Kelly Siegler went to Rosenberg to explore the terrible homicide of Steven Felts. They were joined by Lt. James Murray of the Rosenberg Police division, Det. David Murray and Sgt. Suni Jugueta concedes numerous unanswered inquiries in this old case, including the shortfall of hereditary proof or a deadly weapon.

Linette, Steven’s better half, let the specialists know that she found her significant other’s dead body in his room after she got back from a café trip.” around then, several’s 6-years of age girl was dozing in an alternate room. According to sources, several has dealt with issues in their marriage.

According to accounts of Linette’s discussions for certain puzzling men in the power’s hands during the 1996 examination, they found that Linette would evaporate for a few days.

Later Police examined Linete regarding what occurred, particularly in the illumination of proof that her significant other thought she was undermining him and clandestinely taped her calls to prove that. Following 25 years, the case is as yet unsettled. Specialists believe Linette’s likely legacy of $300,000 from Steven’s life coverage strategy might have inspired the killing.

The “Cool Equity” group converses with the casualty’s sister, Mona Felts, who has long looked for equity for her brother, to dive deeper into the case’s family ancestry.

Agents look at different speculations. Examiner Siegler inspects various speculations for how the triplet might have perpetrated the wrongdoing independently or mutually.

The gathering talks about the actual proof prior to talking with any suspect. Chris Robinson, a Ballistics master, says a H&R Harrington gun was utilized to kill steven.

Dr.Kathryn Pinneri, a criminological pathologist, inspected crime location pictures of steven’s injjuries, which included weapon wounds, a hit to the rear of his head, and a swelling example of his arms. Crime location photos show irateness, which is the staining of skin in the afterlife.

Steven had been dead for three hours, and this goes against Linette’s statement that her better half was perished when she got back about 45 minutes in the wake of passing on to purchase cheeseburgers. Linette’s record of the occasions is questioned in light of the fact that she didn’t quickly keep an eye on her companion while saying she did as such in her 1996 police interview.

There are a few parts of Linette’s record that, as Ziegler would like to think, are crazy. Afterward, examiners talked with his associates and family members to look further into the couple’s marriage. While Steven’s chief, Mark Test, shared with them that he had a murky memory of Steven having some inclinations about his better half’s treachery

The group additionally gets affirmation from Linette’s companions that the marriage was disturbed and that Steven offered his significant other’s monetary help.

Steven had moved a sizeable lump of cash from a shared service to his record only days before he died. As indicated by Linette, that was finished for charge reasons.

The casualty purportedly let the casualty know that he needed a separation and that Steven thought his better half was perilous, as per Bill More stunning, the Felts family legal counselor.

“Cold Equity” specialists are told by More stunning that “he’d been killed” a brief time later. One more recorded trade is the objective of additional examination.

Steven expressed his anxiety in it about his better half utilizing his taken gun to fire him. As indicated by Felts, his significant other was furnished.

#StevenFelts murder case investigation is ongoing. Steven Felts was murdered at the age of 36. Let’s find out more about him. #Crime #Trending #Investigation

— Vizaca (@vizacamagazine) March 14, 2023

Test checks that his voice is the other one heard in the recording, which delivers the tape OK proof.

One of Booker’s buddies is spoken with by Furman and Spingola. He guarantees Booker mentioned a gun credit since he had “some business” to really focus on.

Hinton, who Siegler and Juguetan likewise talk with, denies having a heartfelt contribution with Linette, and Hinton additionally dismisses any contribution in the killing of Felts.

With verification of the cash move, Linette’s questionable record of the wrongdoing, the call in which her significant other communicated worry for her, and Booker’s pawning of the weapons, Furman and Spingola face Linette. In the end, she closes the trade by expressing that she wants to talk with her attorney.

The crew kills Hinton as a suspect subsequent to investigating all the accessible material. Regardless of being dead, Booker stays a suspect who won’t ever have to deal with penalties. It’s been some time since I’ve been here.

Stronghold Curve Province examiners got the examination’s discoveries and concurred that there was adequate proof to continue with the case.

As per “Cold Equity,” the Post Curve Province head prosecutor’s office is still forcefully setting up this case for show to a great jury, despite the Coronavirus pandemic’s deferral.
