Love Island Game: Why is season 2 Noah so hard to couple up with? Wed 26 June 2019 13:41 Hel

Love Island The Game is becoming just as popular as the TV show itself by the looks of things.

Immersing yourself in the coupling up, outfit choices and gossip of the villa couldn’t be easier as the 2019 version of the game is now available to download for Apple and Android users.

Season 2 of the Love Island game comes complete with a whole new set of characters.

Some of which are difficult to couple up with and others much more available.

Here’s everything you need to know about Love Island The Game character Noah.

Screen Shot: Love Island Game version 2 FuseboxScreen Shot: Love Island Game version 2 Fusebox

Love Island The Game – who is Noah?

Fitting the bill of tall, dark and handsome is cartoon Love Island contestant, Noah.

He’s a 25-year-old from Romford, Essex and strangely enough works as a librarian.

Noah looks more like a male model than a librarian to us.

But, whatever, we don’t care about his job, we just want to couple up with him.

Love Island The Game s2 - Fusebox GamesLove Island The Game s2 – Fusebox Games

Is Noah Love Island The Game’s most sought-after player?

Anyone who has spent some time playing the Love Island game will know that making a connection with Noah seems to be very hard.

If you wanted to couple up with Noah and your chances were ruined by Hope then things only get worse when a game of Truth or Dare begins.

Hope chooses ‘dare’ and involves Noah, of course.

Noah definitely comes off as the calm and collected type and pair that with his good looks and we’re onto a winner.

The trouble is, we can flirt with Noah all day long to get those love-heart-eye emojis going, but no one can get near Noah as Hope is all over him!

Love Island The Game s2 - Fusebox GamesLove Island The Game s2 – Fusebox Games

Love Island The Game – Noah on Twitter

It wouldn’t be right if Twitter users didn’t have something to say about the Love Island game and they’re not happy with the fact that Noah is so out of reach.

One commented ‘it’s kinda lame you don’t get the chance to pick Noah ever’ with another adding that they were so thankful when Noah asked for one-on-one time.

Perhaps the Love Island game is set up already so there’ll never be the option to partner with Noah. But if we make it to the end and manage to couple up with the fella then we’ll update you here!

We didn’t go all the way to virtual Love Island to be palmed off in a platonic relationship with Bobby, guys.

