Dacia Fusaro Obituary, Death – This past week, Fremantle and Purveyors of POP suffered the loss of a close friend and excellent colleague. This occurred in the thick of everything that was happening in the world. The passing of Dustyn Gobler, who served as the Post Supervisor for the Married to Medicine franchise, has left all of us in a state of profound shock and grief. Dustyn was a gentleman in every sense of the word, including being a consummate problem solver, a student of life, and a class act.
We can all agree that it was a blessing to have had the opportunity to know and collaborate with him. There is a great deal that can be said about Dustyn, and we all desire that we could be together in person so that we may share our memories of her. Since the very beginning of POP’s existence, Dustyn has been a member of the team and has played an essential role in its development. He was the kind of person who you could depend on at all times and who would go above and beyond the requirements of his job every time.
The fact that he had an insatiable hunger for knowledge in his particular profession was something that never failed to excite us and, in many cases, prevented us from experiencing the dreadful post-traumatic dreams. His deep sense of empathy, which is the foundation of a good leader and a good person, was always present in his efforts to look out for his team. In addition to that, he was a humorous, altruistic, and compassionate individual.
His wife Dacia and their two children, Cora and Sebastian, are the ones who Dustyn leaves behind. We couldn’t be happier for him as he tied the knot with Dacia. Their affection for one another was genuine and unavoidable. The transformation that took place in him was readily apparent after he became a father. He was beaming, and it seemed as though he had been destined to be a father to begin with.