Does Catherine Fulvio have any children? What are the names of Catherine Fulvio's children? What are the ages of Catherine Fulvio's children?
Catherine Fulvio Children: 2
How old is Catherine Fulvio? When is Catherine Fulvio's birthday? Where is Catherine Fulvio born? Where did Catherine Fulvio grow up from? What's Catherine Fulvio's age?
Catherine Fulvio Born: January 1, 1970 (age 53years), Glenealy, Ireland
Is Catherine Fulvio married? When did Catherine Fulvio get married? Who's Catherine Fulvio's married to? (Who's Catherine Fulvio's husband / wife)?
Catherine Fulvio Spouse: Claudio Fulvio (m. 1996)
Catherine met her husband, Claudio, from the Sicilian capital of Palermo, in a pub in Dublin over 20 years ago.
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