Emily Gorelik is a real-life Emily in Paris!
Yes, we are talking about Emily from Bravo’s new Real Girlfriends in Paris!. The show premiered on 5 September 2022 and introduced Emily as one of its cast members.
While the show has promised to show Emily navigating new love interests, career change, friendship conflicts, and more, the writing called ‘Emily Gorelik Bio’ also shall tell you more than you have wished to know about her.
Emily Gorelik On Bravo’s RGIP (Real Girls In Paris)
With RGIP, Bravo promises fans an extended stay in the city of romance, following six female American ex-pats — Emily Gorelik and five others — Anya Firestone, Margaux Lignel, Kacey Margo, Adja Toure, and Victoria Zito.
While each of these leading ladies had their own reasons for joining the show, for Emily it was being constantly compared to “Emily in Paris” that led her to be part of it. She thought taking on this project she would be able to showcase the real struggles and the ups and downs of being an expatriate. Emily further shared that she wished to make it clear to her audience that being in Paris in this way is more than just dating around and being serenaded. She said she and the girls are actually trying to build a life there and it is not just a vacation.
Emily also told TODAY that her companions on the show are all vastly different and that the same differences have brought them closer. She promised their genuine relationships will be apparent on-screen on RGIP Season 1.
So, as the show begins one can see Emily like everyone is dealing with her own struggles in her career and in relationships. And fortunately, at the end of the day, she has her girls as her crying shoulder, for a laugh and even motivation.
Emily was basically adopted by Anya when she first arrived in Paris. So, even today, Emily feels like she was lucky enough to have met Anya way before the show.
Emily Gorelik Job
As of 2022, Emily was pursuing a degree in luxury design management with the dream of bringing her mom’s interior design brand to Paris. In fact, Emily had already been serving as a designer at her matriarch’s company as of the time of this writing.
But, as seen in RGIP, when presented with a once-in-a-lifetime fashion internship in Paris, she was in the dilemma of either following her parents’ path or creating her own.
How Much Is Emily Gorelik’s Net Worth?
Emily Gorelik reportedly had less than $300K net worth as of 2022.
More details could not be found because of her seeming lack of LinkedIn. Yet, everyone watching her on the show knew that she was still attending NYU when she visited Paris.
Emily Gorelik Age
Born in 1999, Emily Gorelik only turned 19 years old in 2021.
Emily Gorelik Family
Emily Gorelik’s mother is Victoria Gorelik of Rockleigh, New Jersey. As of 2022, she had been successfully leading her interior design company, Interior Production as its CEO and founder. The company already has served the interior design industry as a custom workroom service for more than three decades now. They offer services including fabrication, upholstery, and window treatments.
As for Emily, she is not only proud of the DNA she got from her mother but she also mentioned having a dream of bringing her mother’s design company to the French capital.
Then, there is Michael Felix Gore, Emily’s very supportive father. On Instagram @crazyrussianuncle, he reached the age of 62 in the same month and year, i.e. February 2022, his wife/Emily’s mom turned 59. Among other things, he has been his daughter’s “run buddy” and often encouraged her to remain fit.
Michael, a Russian, also could be found on TikTok @crazyrussianuncle.
As for siblings, Emily has brothers, Frank Gorelik (on Instagram @franklingore) and Shawn Gorelik (on Instagram @shawngore). New York New York-based Frank turned 36 in April 2022 and Shawn, younger than him, reached 33 in August 2022. Shawn, the owner of New York Paint & Hardware and Upholstery And Custom Shades was inhabiting Boulder, Colorado around this time.
Is Emily Gorelik Dating Anyone?
Emily Gorelik’s relationship status was unclear as of the time of this writing. She for sure dates French men on the reality show. But, at this point, she had not told the world if she settled with anyone of them for good.
Instead, her social media, especially her TikTok videos, gave away vibes that she is leading a very content and single life. But of course, her 2022’s Valentine’s Day celebration implied otherwise. Also, later in July that year, wanting to normalize having “boyfriends”, she subtly mentioned on a TikTok video about meeting a French boy and spending the past ten days exploring the desert together.
Emily Gorelik Height
With looks so close to real-life Emily In Paris‘s Emily, she stands below 5’ 6″ in height.
Related FAQs
Where Is Emily Gorelik From?
Emily Gorelik was born and bred in New Jersey, in likely Rockleigh. It was only later on that when visiting France she decided to stay there for good. As of the time of this writing and she already had been there for two years. And there while she may not have already perfected her French but she was for sure finding prides in herself in knowing enough of it to order in cafés, date French boys, and shop of course. Or in her words, she is an American who chose Paris and is therefore actively trying to build and assimilate into the country.
When Is Emily Gorelik’s Birthday?
Emily Gorelik’s birthday is on November 9th and that makes her a Scorpio.
Is Emily Gorelik On Instagram?
Emily Gorelik could be certainly found on Instagram @emilyg where she had 425 posts and 3,670 followers as of 5 September 2022.
She also entertained another 657 via her TikTok account @eminparis.