Why were golfers allowed to wear shorts on the DP World Tour?

The DP World Tour has just done something very rare: allowing golfers to wear shorts. Golfers don't have uniforms like MLB, NFL or NBA players, but they do have a general uniform.

Golfers on the PGA tour typically wear a golf shirt, one that they often choose for themselves, and pants. Hats, gloves, and other items are often included but are not always required.

However, during the DP World Tour, golfers and other employees at the event could be seen wearing shorts, a rare sight in the golf world.

LIV Golf has allowed men to wear shorts as they feel pants are not necessary and are using that as a potential selling point for the league. However, the PGA Tour remains fairly rigid about the dress code.

Despite that, shorts were seen on the green, and fans are wondering why.

The Alfred Dunhill Links Championship revealed on Twitter why golfers have their knees in the sun for once.

They tweeted:

"Due to predicted high temperatures expected at this week's [Dunhill Championships], players and rules officials will have the option to wear shorts during the tournament."

The DP World Tour event was set to feature intense heat and the rules, as strict as they may be, weren't worth the discomfort and potential danger that wearing pants might cause.

While this is a rarity, it does happen from time to time. The professional golf tours play in various different locations and essentially function year-round. As a result, it can sometimes be unbearably hot.

For the sake of the golfers' well-being, they sometimes bend the rules to allow golfers to dress a bit more freely.

DP World Tour Alfred Dunhill Championship leaderboard

Here is the current DP World Tour Alfred Dunhill leaderboard, with Ryan Fox leading the way:

  • Ryan Fox -15
  • Alex Noren -14
  • Callum Shinkwin -14
  • Antoine Rozner -13
  • Rory McIlroy -13
  • Daniel Gavins -12
  • Niklas Norgaard Moller -11
  • Tyrell Hatton -11
  • Richard Mansell -11
  • Connor Syme -10
  • Peter Uihlein -10
  • Grant Forrest -10
  • Louis Oosthuizen -10
  • Billy Horschel -10
  • Tapio Pulkkanen -10
  • Dale Whitnell -10
  • George Coetzee -9
  • Padraig Harrington -9
  • Rasmus Hojgaard- 9
  • Robert McIntyre- -8
  • Daniel van Tonder -8
  • Adrian Meronk -7
  • Matt Fitzpatrick -7
  • Adri Arnaus -7
  • Sami Valimaki -7
  • Tommy Fleetwood -7
  • Louis de Jager -7
  • Thomas Pieters -6
  • Marcel Schneider -6
  • Marcel Siem -6
  • Francesco Molinari -6
  • Alejandro Canizares -6
  • Eddie Pepperell -6
  • Matthew Southgate -6
  • Alex Fitzpatrick -6
  • Matthew Jordan -5
  • David Micheluzzi -5
  • Hurly Long -5
  • Romain Langasque -5
  • Victor Perez -5
  • Sebastian Garcia Rodriguez -5
  • Maximilain Kieffer -4
  • Jaco Ahlers -4
  • Richie Ramsay -4
  • Frederic Lacroix -4
  • David Law -4
  • Laird Shepherd -4
  • Christiaan Burke -3
  • Benjamin Hebert -3
  • Richard Sterne -3
  • Stephen Gallacher -3
Ryan Fox in action

LIV Golf players and PGA Tour golfers came together for this event and have put on tremendous performances, some of them in shorts and others in long pants.

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