What Happened to the Original Kristin on Last Man Standing? Find out Here!

We knew something was different about Last Man Standing!

Fans have been wondering what happened to the original Kristin Baxter from the show — and now we realize the role was recast after the first season!

Alexandra (left) and Amanda (right) on Last Man Standing. (Photo Credit: Getty Images)

Actress Alexandra Krosney played the part during the series’ first season of episodes back in 2011. After leaving, Amanda Fuller took over for the rest of the seasons from 2012 until the show’s cancellation in 2017.

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As reported, Alexandra was let go by ABC because they were more in favor of Amanda (you may remember her as Dr. Alex Carev’s intern on Grey’s Anatomy) at the time. Simply because the age difference between the two actresses (Amanda is older) “afforded the show the opportunity to retool the family dynamic” as they said.

However, the only thing that seemed to change up was the sitcom no longer airing anymore. Back in May, ABC announced the show would be no more — and star Tim Allen immediately showed his despair. “Stunned and blindsided by the network I called home for the last six years. #LastManStanding,” he wrote on Twitter at the time.

But despite all the cast changes throughout the years and what not, ABC Entertainment President Channing Dungey credited “scheduling reasons” for his decision to nix the series.

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“A large part of these jobs are managing failure and we’ve made the tough calls and canceled shows that we’d otherwise love to stay on the air. That’s the job,” Dungey said. “Last Man Standing was a challenging one for me because it was a steady performer in the ratings, but once we made the decision not to continue with comedies on Fridays, that was where we landed.”

And sadly, the fate of the show isn’t looking too promising for Tim and the rest of the gang. As previously reported, both CMT and NBC declined to pick up the series on their networks. However, we’re still not giving up hope yet.
