Is Jaden Smith dead? Fans across the world are freaking out over a suicide death hoax, one that has dogged the young celebrity for over a week.
Disturbing as that is, we can happily report that he is alive.

A Facebook story is going viral that purports Jaden dead.
However, the 18-year-old has not in fact killed himself. Insiders say that “the news was not true and didn’t come from a legitimate source.”
In fact, one source close to the situation confirms, “users who clicked the above-displayed message were greeted with a popup message.”
The fake story of Smith’s death cites big websites like CNN and TMZ to make it appear real, but in fact was click bait and nothing else.
In reality, Jaden is promoting his new Netflix series The Get Down and hanging out with his father Will Smith, who is promoting Suicide Squad.
15 Dumbest Jaden Smith Tweets
VIEW GALLERYThe false Jaden Smith suicide rumors have been so pervasive that many questionable apps have been downloaded as a result of clicking.
Please, do not fall victim to this blatantly false scam.
The nefarious rumors actually popped up at the end of last month that Smith died, but the story gained traction once again this weekend.
These things go viral as soon as someone starts sharing them, as we know. All it takes is a few people to build a real head of steam.
Again. Smith’s non-death was a top tten trending topic.
Insiders say Smith did not find the death hoax very funny at all, however reports of his untimely demise didn’t seem to faze his busy life.
Since his 18th birthday July 8, Jaden has continued to work on his first album, including a “leaked” music video believed to be its first single.
So at least he’s not letting it bother him too much.
As for why anyone plots a hoax killing off a celebrity just to sell whatever they’re selling, or distribute malicious malware, we can’t say.
But it is not the first time, nor will it be the best.
Jaden can also take comfort in the fact that he is far from the first famous person to be fake killed by the Internet in such bizarre fashion …
Here are a bunch of other hoax “victims” …

25 Times the Internet Killed Off a Celebrity
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