Obituary | Fred Squires MD Passes Away, Philadelphia

Fred Squires Professor Frederic Dated 21 December 2022 in Philadelphia, PA. Dedicated partner and husband to Stephanie Squires.

Proud papa to Amelia and Madeline Squires. Greetings, Jonathan (Lisa) Squires’s brother. Funeral services will be held at PLATT MEMORIAL CHAPELS, Inc., 2001 Berlin Road, Cherry Hill, NJ, beginning at 1:00 p.m.

on Friday, December 23. Visitation will begin at 12:30 p.m. All attendees must wear masks during the service. Those who cannot attend in person can watch the service online at

Memorial Crescent International Park. Donations can be sent to the Dr. Leslie Squires Foundation, care of Temple University Institutional Advancement, P.O. Box 2890, New York, NY 10116, or made online at

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