Who is Dr Anca Faur? Age and all about Buzz Aldrin's girlfriend as astronaut gets married on 93rd bi

Former astronaut Buzz Aldrin and Anca Faur have recently tied the knot. The wedding day also marked Aldrin's 93rd birthday. Buzz shared the news on Twitter with two pictures where he was posing with his wife and wrote:

“On my 93rd birthday & the day I will also be honored by Living Legends of Aviation I am pleased to announce that my longtime love Dr. Anca Faur & I have tied the knot. We were joined in holy matrimony in a small private ceremony in Los Angeles & are as excited as eloping teenagers.”

In another tweet, Aldrin also thanked everyone for their best wishes on his birthday. He continued:

“It means a lot and I hope to continue serving a greater cause for many more revolutions around the sun!! Onward and upward and best wishes to all of you as well!”

This marks Buzz Aldrin's fourth marriage, as he has exchanged vows thrice in the past.

Anca Faur is currently working at Buzz Aldrin Ventures LLC

Anca Faur is currently employed at Buzz Aldrin Ventures LLC (Image via anca.faur.v/Instagram)

Born on May 14, 1959, Anca Faur worked for the famous science and chemical company Johnson Matthey where she was a Project Manager. She has been employed at Buzz Aldrin Ventures LLC as an Executive Vice President since 2019.

The 63-year-old has not disclosed anything about her siblings or parents. She finished her graduation from the University of Pittsburgh with a Ph.D. in Chemical Engineering and Catalysis in 1996. She started her career as a project leader at Union Carbide, where she worked for three years.

She then joined Johnson Matthey Fuel Cells in July 2020 and has worked as a Program Manager for 20 years. She was previously a board member of the California Hydrogen Business Council and attended the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics 70th International Astronautical Congress.

Faur also attended the Association of Space Explore XXXII Planetary Congress and The Astronaut Reunion in Houston, Texas, in October 2019 and is also active on Instagram with around 568 followers.

Buzz Aldrin's relationship history explored

The astronaut tied the knot with Joan Archer in December 1954 and became the parents of three children. The pair divorced in 1974.

He then married Beverly Van Zile in December 1975, and they remained together until 1978. Aldrin's third marriage was to Lois Driggs Cannon in February 1988. They were married for 24 years and separated in 2012.

Buzz's relationship with Anca Faur has gained recognition due to their age difference of 30 years. They were spotted together on various occasions before they got married recently.

The 93-year-old was a part of the Apollo 11 space mission along with Neil Armstrong and Michael Collins. He became one of the first people to walk on the moon. Armstrong passed away in August 2012, and Collins died of cancer in April 2021.

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