Ultimate Betrayal Tubi Cast With Jayda Jones and Glen Paige

Ultimate Betrayal Tubi cast consists of Jayda Jones and Glen Paige in lead roles. The movie was released on Tubi on December 11, 2022.

The Tubi movie is written and directed by Anthony Williams. The film is edited by Beasy Jones and the screenplay is done by Lisa Brown.

The movie is about a close circle of friends secretly lying and cheating on one another. They are the ones who talk well in front of the face and talk dirty behind the back.

This movie makes people question their friendship and relationship, and it gives depth to the audience about how the close one can be your enemy.

Tubi is a free movie platform that offers every genre to watch for any age group. There are numerous hit films that are available to watch on the online platform without any cost.

Some of the famous Tubi movies include Queens of Kings, Fireworks Fireworks, Make It Out, Surprise, A Good Man, etc.

Meet The Cast of Ultimate Betrayal on Tubi

Ultimate Betrayal Tubi cast includes Jayda Jones as Nia, Glen Tattoman Paige as Vante, Elizabeth Foxx as Erica, and Kevin as DeJuan Ford.

Other cast members include Kaamel Hasaun Diezel as D, Cierra Smith as Ashley, William Swift as a police officer, and Jasmine Walker as a bartender.

Jayda Jones as Nia

Jayda played Nia, the main character in the Tubi movie. Nia is rich among the list of her friends and owns a big house and a beauty salon.

Jayda was born in Lawton, Oklahoma, to her mother, Jesse, and father, Greg Jones. Her parents are known for starring in America’s Trashiest Weddings.

The Detroit-based actress has a brother who is four years senior to her. She has a nickname called JJ.

She completed high school in Florida and is well-known for producing, singing, acting, writing, and dancing.

Her previous movies include Ear 2 Ear, Rotten, He Played Me 2, Intimate Betrayals, Broadcast, etc. She was a writer and producer for the 2022 movie Ear 2 Ear.

Glen “Tattoman” Paige As Vante

Another main lead of the Tubi film is Glen Paige, who played the role of Vante. Vante is the boyfriend of Nia, who is involved in illegal activities.

He is a very good-looking Casanova who can get any girl he wants in the movie. He can’t always stay with one girl and want to be the talk of the town.

Glen Paige is a famous actor, comedian, and tattoo artist in Detroit, Michigan. His other well-known movie involves Strange Fruit, Fireworks Fireworks and Watch Your Back.

Previously, he has also worked as a writer for the television comedy series Getting Off Comedy Series 101, and his upcoming show is The Randi Rossario Show.

The Detroit-based actor also works as a comedian content creator, where he posts various comedy vines and videos on his social media handle.

Elizabeth Foxx As Erica

Elizabeth Foxx played the character of Erica in the Ultimate Betrayal movie. She is the best friend of Nia, who conspires against her at the end of the movie.

Elizabeth Foxx is an actress, model, social media influencer, and entrepreneur. She is also a Detroit-based actress.

Some of her famous movies are Diamond Girl and Nasty, which was released in 2022. She was also seen in A Very Merry Hood Christmas, Tina and Lori, and McGraw Ave season two.

DeJuan Ford As Kevin

The versatile actor and executive producer DeJuan is seen playing the character of Kevin in the Film. He is the brother of Nia and the boyfriend of Erica.

Kevin is a two-faced friend who is neither his friend’s nor his sister’s side. He is a lazy and greedy guy who constantly searches for opportunities to earn money the easy way.

He is best known for his other Tubi movies like Nasty, Faithful, Tina and Lori, Birth Of Savage, First Lady 3, and paper heart. He has his upcoming movie named “Black” Strait Blues.

DeJuan is one of the regular cast on Tubi movies. He has been working for the past few years and featured in movies, events, and programs.

Other Cast Of The Movie Include

  • Kaamel Hasaun Diezel as D
  • Cierra Smith as Ashley
  • William Swift as Police Officer
  • Jasmine Walker as Bartender

Ultimate Betrayal Movie Review

The Ultimate Betrayal Tubi movie has got extremely good reviews from critics. It has got 7.3/10 in IMDB.

This a movie worth watching during the weekend. This movie contains suspense, thrillers, and various unexpected events.

Not only that, but the acting of the actor is top-notch, they have portrayed the character just as it was required. The actors have done justice to the movie by playing a character to its depth.

Ultimate Betrayal is a movie about friends who are into deceiving one another. No one is faithful and everyone is pretending to be good just to get something in return.

This movie showcases that one cannot trust anyone fully even if they are term as a best friend, you never know who will betray you just because of a selfish reason.

Jayda, who has also portrayed the bold character before in her movie, is exceptional with her acting skill. Her character is the one who makes the film interesting to watch.

Her speech delivery, script delivery, and understanding of the character are something to praise. She is the strong pillar of the movie, which make the film stand out.

The story, which is written by the director himself, has done a good work creating thriller and suspense in the movie.

Where To Watch Ultimate Betrayal?

The Movie Ultimate Betrayal is exclusively available to watch on Tubi Tv. Other than that it is available to watch on Apple Tv, Reelgood, and Binged.

The Ultimate Betrayal Tubi movie is made by the Top Notch Production company, and the watch time of the movie is one hour long.

This Tubi movie has got a very good rating on IMDB with 7.3/10.
