I just moved from LA (Silverlake area) to Newark, NJ. The townhouse is cute and the neighborhood seemed nice. Im all moved in but I noticed my neighbors -well a lot of them- have kids toys and bikes on their front yard. It wasnt like this when I was checking out the house. Also my friends asked if ive been to a bodega. When I asked what that was they laughed in that "oh you'll see.." Sort of way. Plus I passed three Outback steakhouses in this city alone!
by Anonymous | reply 74 | May 14, 2018 10:22 PM |
It's OK OP, You'll end up being the creepy fat eldergay of the block anyway. With everyone actively trying to avoid you, you'll get all the peace and quiet you need.
by Anonymous | reply 1 | March 5, 2018 4:10 AM |
Who in hell moves from the Silverlake area of LA to Newark New Jersey?
Are you completely insane?
This has to be an EST by someone not very funny.
by Anonymous | reply 2 | March 5, 2018 4:15 AM |
[quote]I just moved from LA (Silverlake area) to Newark, NJ.
No one does this.
by Anonymous | reply 3 | March 5, 2018 4:22 AM |
Actually, I know a few people who moved from Silverlake to NJ...odd. It's not the Ghetto - its the suburbs. If you wanted chi chi you should have moved to Franklin Lakes.
by Anonymous | reply 4 | March 5, 2018 4:25 AM |
There are many lovely towns in NJ.
Newark is notoriously not one of them.
Expect gentrification in about 1,000 years.
by Anonymous | reply 5 | March 5, 2018 4:47 AM |
Newark is gaining population after many decades of decline so there must be some gentrification going on. Probably people working in Manhattan looking for cheap rent.
by Anonymous | reply 6 | March 5, 2018 4:53 AM |
LA to Newark? Danielson make big mistake.
by Anonymous | reply 7 | March 5, 2018 4:59 AM |
R8: Where Mack Davis sucks it!!!!!!
by Anonymous | reply 9 | March 5, 2018 5:00 AM |
I call bullshit. There are no Outback Steakhouses in Newark, NJ, There are no cute condos either.
by Anonymous | reply 11 | March 5, 2018 5:11 AM |
My only experience with Newark is the damned airport - being stuck on the tarmac in the jet because a fuel truck tipped over. Then driving through it - the city is just a refinery and an airport.
by Anonymous | reply 12 | March 5, 2018 5:12 AM |
If there's one thing OP don't need it's another hungry mouth to feed in the ghetto.
by Anonymous | reply 13 | March 5, 2018 5:18 AM |
OP has never been to Newark.
by Anonymous | reply 14 | March 5, 2018 5:30 AM |
you're gonna die soon OP. can i have all your stuff?
by Anonymous | reply 15 | March 5, 2018 7:26 AM |
[quote]Also my friends asked if ive been to a bodega. When I asked what that was they laughed in that "oh you'll see.."
These fake scenarios often have "friends" laughing in a kooky, jovial way in unison I've noticed.
by Anonymous | reply 16 | March 5, 2018 12:47 PM |
At least it's better than Jersey City. Not by much but better.
by Anonymous | reply 17 | March 5, 2018 12:57 PM |
This has to be a joke. Why on earth would anyone move to Newark? OP are you serious? Didn't you do any research before making a long distance move to a shithole?
by Anonymous | reply 18 | March 5, 2018 12:59 PM |
Was it your goal to become a bridge and tunnel person? ...or just to get shot?
by Anonymous | reply 19 | March 5, 2018 1:00 PM |
r11 is right. Newark has nothing but the hood. "downtown" Newark - which is still the hood, and then the airport....
There are no cute conds or Outback Steakhouses there
OP most people in Newark are Po' . They are not eating chain restaurant steaks.
by Anonymous | reply 20 | March 5, 2018 1:01 PM |
OP You lived in fucking L.A., along with all of southern California a suburb of Tijuana, and you don't know what a bodega is? Yous is a LIAH!
by Anonymous | reply 21 | March 5, 2018 1:04 PM |
[quote]There are no Outback Steakhouses in Newark, NJ,
[quote]OP has never been to Newark.
by Anonymous | reply 22 | March 5, 2018 1:13 PM |
There are townhouses in Newark, built when city housing was demolished. Cory Booker lived in one of the city high rises to show he was with his peeps. Later moved to the South Ward in a two-family house. on Hawthorne Avenue, which he moved from when becoming a Senator.
The South Ward was a middle-class Jewish area until the riots in the 6os. They fled to South Orange and Livingston. Now the nabe is Black and Puerto Rican.
by Anonymous | reply 24 | March 5, 2018 1:21 PM |
[Quote]Newark has nothing but the hood. "downtown" Newark - which is still the hood, and then the airport....
The Ironbound is a nice non-ghetto area of Newark, r20.
Offsite Linkby Anonymous | reply 25 | March 5, 2018 1:23 PM |
New Jersey is trashy but the boys are hot.
by Anonymous | reply 26 | March 5, 2018 1:27 PM |
When Connie Francis grew-up in the Ironbound, it was known as Down Neck.
by Anonymous | reply 27 | March 5, 2018 1:38 PM |
R25 is a ghetto ... Portugese, Hispanics, and Latinos.
by Anonymous | reply 28 | March 5, 2018 1:40 PM |
Well, these guys are out of work, maybe you can get them to remodel your room.
Offsite Linkby Anonymous | reply 29 | March 5, 2018 1:44 PM |
They are outta work because of poor workmanship. Successfully sued by a family whose renovation was left half finished, Guy with tatts was in relationship with a female TV interior designer. The other one pinged, though he got married.
by Anonymous | reply 30 | March 5, 2018 1:48 PM |
R25 there really is no "non-ghetto area" of Newark, despite what the NYTimes wants you to believe. #fakenews
by Anonymous | reply 31 | March 5, 2018 1:50 PM |
From the article about the Ironbounnd:
"The Vibe
Filigreed gold jewelry, soccer jerseys and cases of the Portuguese water Carvalhelhos enliven shop windows along Ferry Street."
Sounds like a ghetto to me...
by Anonymous | reply 32 | March 5, 2018 1:53 PM |
There is one npn-ghetto area, Forest Hill. Near Branch Brook Park. Large Tudor homes and Victorians. Distinctive green and white street signs, Brewery barons and opera singer Maria Jeritza lived there,
by Anonymous | reply 33 | March 5, 2018 1:54 PM |
You don't hear a word of English along Ferry Street, the Ironbound's main drag.
by Anonymous | reply 34 | March 5, 2018 1:56 PM |
OP, Whitney sends her love!
Offsite Linkby Anonymous | reply 35 | March 5, 2018 3:15 PM |
OP, be the change you want to see in your neighborhood. I would start by placing some potted geraniums on the deck or terrace, maybe a colorful door mat, window boxes can be beautiful. Show some leadership OP.
by Anonymous | reply 36 | March 5, 2018 3:43 PM |
Clearly R36 never decided to look for a gas station before returning his rental car at EWR!
by Anonymous | reply 37 | March 5, 2018 6:44 PM |
R33 Uh when did Jeritza live there?
I think she must have moved out last year.
by Anonymous | reply 38 | March 5, 2018 10:09 PM |
I thought jersey city wasn’t ghetto
by Anonymous | reply 39 | March 5, 2018 10:17 PM |
I recently bought a used car in Jersey City. It's not Ho-Ho-Kus.
by Anonymous | reply 40 | March 5, 2018 10:21 PM |
Rents are going up in Jersey City but I still wouldn't live there in a million years. Though the Loew's Jersey is a nice place to see classic films.
by Anonymous | reply 41 | March 5, 2018 10:46 PM |
I'm thinking of moving to Gary Indiana. I currently live in Manhattan. Do you think it will be very different? The place I looked at was so cute!
by Anonymous | reply 42 | March 5, 2018 10:57 PM |
There are some decent areas of downtown Newark near Broad Street. Halsey Street in particular is very pretty and reminds me of the west village. They've built up arts district around that street, and they recently opened a Whole Foods and converted the old Hahnes department store into residential lofts. There's even kosher restaurant on Halsey!
by Anonymous | reply 43 | March 5, 2018 11:02 PM |
[quote]At least it's better than Jersey City.
What? Living in Jersey City is MUCH better than Newark.
by Anonymous | reply 44 | March 5, 2018 11:14 PM |
This guy LOVES living here!
Offsite Linkby Anonymous | reply 46 | March 6, 2018 3:50 AM |
This lady LOVES living here!
Offsite Linkby Anonymous | reply 47 | March 6, 2018 3:53 AM |
R21, bodega isn't a term you hear or use in southern California. I grew up in LA and we do not call convenience stores or small corner/neighborhood shops "bodegas". I live and work in/around DC and we don't use bodega here either. I only hear bodega used in the NYC area.
by Anonymous | reply 48 | March 6, 2018 3:59 AM |
OP here- cheese n crackers some of you are mean. I move from LA to NJ near Newark because my job is opening of a NJ branch and I was assigned to it.
by Anonymous | reply 49 | March 6, 2018 4:05 AM |
OP, I love Silverlake. How are you dealing with the weather change?
by Anonymous | reply 50 | March 6, 2018 4:06 AM |
There's a great porn theater with buddy booths in downtown Newark where you can hook up with thug trade.
by Anonymous | reply 51 | March 6, 2018 4:11 AM |
Hi R50. The weather hasnt been too bad. Tomorrow were suppossed to get 6-12 inches of snow though. Im from Ohio originally so miss the seasons.
by Anonymous | reply 52 | March 6, 2018 4:22 AM |
Not OP, but I do actually live in Newark. I had some hard setbacks, and ended up working at a call center for Cablevision in Newark (as bad as you expect). Actually before I moved here, I was beaten and robbed going to Newark Penn after work.
I actually like the apt, and the rent is all I can afford. Thankfully I am no longer at that hellhole Cablevision, but have a job I love - and took a pay cut when I was not making much to begin with, but am much happier.
The thing that I find the worst about Newark is 75% of the time I step out my front door I am hit up for money . I can be walking my dog, doing laundry, going to Rite Aid, doesn’t matter. They often follow you into the store. I like to think I look put together (sober 8 years and preppy) as one of the main reasons, but I am also white and stick out like a speck of salt in a pepper mill.
by Anonymous | reply 53 | March 6, 2018 4:22 AM |
"I noticed my neighbors -well a lot of them- have kids toys and bikes on their front yard."
Babies. So everywhere you look there are ghetto booties?
by Anonymous | reply 54 | March 6, 2018 4:24 AM |
I've only been to Newark for work so my limited experience is that the airport and the city are completely shit.
My condolences OP.
by Anonymous | reply 55 | March 6, 2018 4:34 AM |
OP - let me see if I understand this. You moved near Newark, but not into Newark. That’s probably a good idea. The suburbs around Newark are a mix of wealth (Montclair, South Orange, Millburn, Springfield) and poverty (Irvington, Elizabeth, parts of Union, East Orange). Much like LA. Pick the wrong city or neighborhood, and your life is at risk.
Newark has a mixed history, particularly since the riots of the 60s. I was one of Clement Price’s students almost 35 years ago. It’s hard to imagine the poverty then. Newark had 250,000 people, but no supermarkets. Shoprite opened in the city, but not in the Central Ward. I applaud Whole Foods for opening in the downtown, but 95% of the residents can’t afford to shop there. The markup on the products is too high. It is for the Prudential employees to shop during work hours.
The performing arts center has been there almost 20 years, and is acoustically awesome. I saw Patty Loveless sing there a capella without microphones. Yet you risk car jacking at night. The arena is fine for hockey events, but concert goers especially Lady Gaga fans were targeted by roving gangs.
I love The Ironbound. I speak Portuguese. My friends and family have moved to the suburbs in Hunterdon and Somerset Counties to get away from the crime. The city isn’t as bad as it was in the 80s, but it is no where near safe. Just because hipsters and artists are drawn by low rents to unsafe neighborhoods doesn’t mean that community development is happening. Let’s see what these areas look like in 5 years. Without safe schools, good infrastructure and a crackdown on the gangs, no Middle Class families will move there.
Offsite Linkby Anonymous | reply 57 | March 6, 2018 12:39 PM |
r21- Mexicans don't use the word, "bodega" And we don't have a large population of Dominicans, Puerto Ricans, or Cubans.
by Anonymous | reply 58 | March 6, 2018 12:49 PM |
From 2009 to 2012, I lost three of my dad's general practitioners because they transferred out of state to work in Newark. It's how I knew I lived in a true shit hole.
by Anonymous | reply 60 | March 6, 2018 1:17 PM |
[quote]The Ironbound is a nice non-ghetto area of Newark,
Meaning, “it’s not black,” lol. It’s called “ironbound” because it’s entirely enclosed by railroad tracks back from the days when NE New Jersey was a major rail hub, which started during the Civil War as supplies were brought from NY to the Army of the Potomac.
Ironbound was largely Portuguese when I was growing up but I knew some Cubans who lived there too. I worked with Rick Egusquiza, the gossip columnist, before he was out, and he was from Ironbound. (Rick’s a very nice guy btw.)
Jersey City is much nicer AND much worse than Newark. That’s because there are (at least) two Jersey Citys. One of them is the grimy, black, gang-ridden JC, which is truly TERRIBLE, like No-Go terrible, but then there are gated bastions which are great to live in, with amazing views of the manhattan skyline and SOL, all the amenities, easy commute into Manhattan, etc. There’s actually a Third Jersey City now as well — gentrifying neighborhoods that are sort of like what bed stuy was like when gentrification began, before it “won.”
by Anonymous | reply 61 | March 6, 2018 1:31 PM |
Just because I'm from Jersey doesn't necessarily mean I'm mean.
Look at Montclair or Verona. And travel to work with a SWAT team.
by Anonymous | reply 62 | March 6, 2018 8:10 PM |
Why didn't you look in Morris County, OP? It has its charms.
by Anonymous | reply 64 | March 7, 2018 4:24 PM |
I used to fuck a guy who lived in Newark and yes it was very dicey in the downtown area by the train station.
The sex was good and so was the portuguese cuisine!
by Anonymous | reply 66 | May 14, 2018 6:31 PM |
They haven't closed NJ yet?
by Anonymous | reply 67 | May 14, 2018 6:35 PM |
OP thought he was moving to Newark, Delaware. He just took a wrong turn somewhere.
by Anonymous | reply 68 | May 14, 2018 6:54 PM |
Silverlake is not that nice.
A few strip malls and cluster fuck traffic all day.
by Anonymous | reply 69 | May 14, 2018 6:57 PM |
Well, that is not true, R69, and you know it.
by Anonymous | reply 70 | May 14, 2018 7:00 PM |
R70 strip malls and that's about it
by Anonymous | reply 71 | May 14, 2018 7:08 PM |
Simply being ridiculously overpriced and full of dull hipsters is not enough to deem a place nice, r70. Not much "there" there, unfortunately.
by Anonymous | reply 72 | May 14, 2018 7:21 PM |
I've seen beautiful townhouses in Newark. Stunning industrial lofts. The Ironbound where fresh sardines are flown in from Portugal every day. The edge of ghetto -didn't go in for these are notorious.
Newark can be interesting. I can see that. But I wouldn't move there though, maybe if I were 30 years younger.
by Anonymous | reply 73 | May 14, 2018 9:47 PM |