Jennifer Aniston's new movie The Yellow Birds

Her return to the big screen with more of her dramatic acting chops. Sounds like a tearjerker.

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by Anonymousreply 17June 16, 2018 4:36 AM

She's fug but I love her. Nice to see someone sweating to just get the attributes I was born with.

by Anonymousreply 2January 21, 2017 10:41 PM

It was of the best war books I've ever read. The guy writes like a dream. I hope the movie is as good.

by Anonymousreply 3January 21, 2017 10:53 PM

[quote] Two young soldiers, Bartle (21) and Murph (18) navigate the terrors of the Iraq war under the command of the older, troubled Sergeant Sterling. All the while, Bartle is tortured by a promise he made to Murph's mother before their deployment.

Personally I'd rather they made a new movie focusing on Dr. Julia Harris, D.D.S.

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by Anonymousreply 4January 21, 2017 11:32 PM

She want to do television again. I hope she and Ryan Murphy have lunch and he puts her in the last season of AHS.

She's in the league of established A-Listers like Lange, Bates, Bassett and can pretty much do whatever she wants.

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by Anonymousreply 6January 24, 2017 3:26 AM

She plays a canary? Is it an interpretive dance film?

by Anonymousreply 7January 24, 2017 3:37 AM

But the reviews are talking about Alden Ehrenreich (soon-to-be Hans Solo):

‘The Yellow Birds’ Review: Alden Ehrenreich Devastates in Thoughtful Iraq War Drama

The Yellow Birds is guaranteed to attract a certain amount of attention simply because it’s Alden Ehrenreich‘s last major role before Han Solo, and Star Wars fans will be gratified to see that Lucasfilm’s faith in him is not misplaced. He puts in an unforgettable lead performance as Bartle, a young soldier who’s deployed to war and comes back a haunted man, for reasons he’s unwilling or unable to articulate.

But The Yellow Birds is far more than an acting showcase for Ehrenreich’s talents, and would deserve to be seen no matter what big franchises its stars were doing next. It’s a war drama that’s far less interested in the heroism of battle than its cost, as told through the story of a single soldier and those in his immediate orbit.....

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by Anonymousreply 8January 24, 2017 3:57 AM

Anyone who gives a shit about anything she does is toxic.

by Anonymousreply 9January 24, 2017 4:03 AM

[quote] Anyone who gives a shit about anything she does is toxic.

So you gave a shit about what she was doing enough to come in this thread? Or is that different?

by Anonymousreply 10January 24, 2017 4:38 AM

Surprise, surprise, it's a turd.

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by Anonymousreply 11June 15, 2018 6:37 PM

TY R2, that's how I've always viewed Aniston. Paltrow as well. It's amusing to watch someone strive, pay huge dollars to posses my natural born genetic based traits.

by Anonymousreply 12June 15, 2018 7:22 PM

Old age is going to be a real bitch for r2 and r12. I say better go out now while you look amazing still.

by Anonymousreply 13June 15, 2018 7:28 PM

She's thinking about returning to television because her film career hasn't made the impact she hoped it would....

by Anonymousreply 14June 16, 2018 12:05 AM


by Anonymousreply 15June 16, 2018 12:09 AM

Ha ha!!!! More FAILED Oscar Bait for loser Aniston!!!

No "Ultimate Revenge" with this!

by Anonymousreply 16June 16, 2018 12:12 AM

R13, why would old age be a bitch? Don't understand. I'll never lose my genetic traits just like my parents and grandparents. I'll always have it. I'll still be me. Sounds like you fell for that old Hollywood machine which is typical of Americans plus the old gay stereotypes. So we'll all just die after 30 years? You are so gonna kick yourself when you're 70 with that view of life.

by Anonymousreply 17June 16, 2018 4:36 AM
