Scott Pattison was reportedly accused of killing his wife, Lisa, in July 2009. Her death was ruled a homicide when an autopsy conducted by the coroner revealed that Lisa had died of asphyxiation, given that the bar had been forcibly pressed down on her which crushed her neck.
Pattison's initial statement to the police stated that he returned home at 11:30 to discover his wife unconscious. He claimed to have tried CPR, but it was to no avail. However, evidence acquired by investigators proved that he was lying. Surveillance footage showed him at home at around 8:30 in the morning. He was seen moving in and around the house for a few hours.
It was later discovered that the couple's marriage was falling apart, and Scott was on the verge of filing for divorce. Reports also state that he was having an affair and had previously even tried to have his wife killed. Scott Pattison was convicted of his wife's murder in December 2010 and was sentenced to 60 years in prison.
This article will discuss more about Lisa Pattison's murder by her then-husband, Scott Pattison, ahead of Dateline: Secret Uncovered's upcoming episode. The episode airs on Wednesday, August 31, 2022, at 8 pm ET.
First responders escorted Scott Pattison's wife Lisa to the hospital
On July 2, 2009, at about 12:14 pm, Scott phoned authorities to report an incident involving his wife, Lisa, that day. She allegedly wasn't breathing when he found her at home after returning from work. He then had to load her into his truck and drive her to the hospital. First responders intercepted them on the way to the hospital. However, when they arrived, doctors declared that she was dead.
Scott stated during interrogation that he took a break from his roofing company at approximately 11:30 am and then returned home. He entered the room about fifteen minutes later to see Lisa lying on a seat in the gym with a weight bar pinned across her throat. Scott stated that he gave CPR to Lisa before taking her to the car.
While the authorities initially believed Scott's account, new evidence altered the course of the investigation. The cause of death was determined to be murder. An autopsy revealed that Lisa's asphyxiation was caused by her neck being crushed due to some weight which was forced upon her. This discovery, however, contradicted Scott's statements to the police.
The authorities then discovered discrepancies in Scott's narrative. He claimed to have arrived home at 11:30 am on July 2. However, surveillance footage from their house contradicted this. Scott was spotted arriving at 8:32 am and was seen entering and exiting the residence multiple times over the next couple of hours.
Their troubled marriage was also no secret to the investigators. Scott was reportedly involved with a woman named Stacy Henderson. He swore to bring an end to it when Lisa found out but did not do so. In addition, a 2001 police investigation claimed that Scott had hired someone to murder Lisa.
What happened to Scott Pattison and where is he now?
Scott Pattison was given a 60-year jail term in December 2010 after a jury found him guilty in his wife's murder case. According to the police, Scott enticed Lisa to the gym before murdering her by crushing her throat with a bar. Sources state that he is currently serving his sentence at the Indiana State Prison in Michigan City, LaPorte County.
The upcoming episode of Dateline: Secrets Uncovered airs on Wednesday, August 31, 2022, at 8:00 pm ET on Oxygen.
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