The Salinas-Citibank Affair | FRONTLINE

On January 12, 1996, 57 days after the Casta on arrest, 56-year-old Pie announced he would retire "during the year." On January 13, the New York Times reported: "The departure of the highly regarded executive was not expected and prompted concern by some banking industry analysts." A CS First Boston analyst was quoted: "I'm floored. Pei is the earnings power of Citibank...."

Howe declined to comment on whether Salinas had any transactions at Citibank. He said the personnel changes "had absolutely nothing to do with any allegation. It had nothing to do with Salinas whatsoever. It had to do with a general reorganization. A number of positions changed at that time." Citibank press releases in January 1996 documented several personnel changes, including Pei's. Senior international bankers, who asked not to be quoted, say that it is "virtually impossible" that the chairman of a bank, even one of Citibank's size, not know about a new customer who met the Salinas characteristics.

Citibanker's 1994 Testimony: "Too risky not to do the due diligence"

United States vs. Antonio Giraldi

May 12, 1994

(Editor's Note: Amelia Grovas Elliott, a senior Citibank private banking officer in New York,

from 1991 to 1993 managed the multi-million dollar transactions of Raul Salinas, the brother of

then Mexican President Carlos Salinas. They involved deposits in a Swiss bank affiliated with

Citibank and other institutions. The accounts bore false and front names used by Salinas to hide

his identity. In 1994, Elliott testified as a star witness for the U.S. government in the money

laundering prosecution of Antonio Giraldi, a private banking officer at American Express Bank

International who previously worked for her at Citibank.

The following are extracts of her

testimony, before judge and jury, which helped convict Giraldi. He is appealing his conviction

for which he received a 10-year prison sentence).

History with Citibank

Q: .. (W)hat (are) your duties are as vice-president at Citibank?

A: I head the Mexico team for the international private bank of the bank.... Since June of 83, so

11 years.

Q: (W)hat your duties... in that position?

A: I manage a team of 10 people with responsibilities... primarily to manage accounts for Mexican

high net worth individuals.

Q: How do you define a high net worth individual?

A: Usually an individual who has a net worth of at least $5 million and that has liquidity of at least

a million to invest with us.

"White gloved" banking

Q: What is international private banking?

A: Private banking is the area of the bank... that deals with clients with more money than the

general public, that does it on a more white gloved kind of environment.... In the private bank of a

bank, you are a name. The person knows you, knows who you are, knows your family, they

recognize your voice.... (I)t is basically a more personalized kind of banking relationship....

Q: ... (T)he laws which govern your conduct as an international private banker are the same laws

that govern the conduct of bankers in the retail bank, commercial bank, the domestic private bank,

they're the same laws, is that correct?

A: They're the laws, the banking laws, correct.

"High profile" clients

Q: Is it reasonable to assume that bank officers...such as yourself who have extensive experience

with international private banking clients in Mexico would be more likely to spot something

improper or to have a funny feeling about a prospective client than a relatively inexperienced

relationship manager?

A: Yes.

Confidentiality for clients

Q: Are any of your international private banking clients concerned about the confidentiality of

their holdings?

A: Most of them are.

Q: So that the Mexican government will not know?

A: Not so much the Mexican government - I don't know. I have never asked the question of a

client. It's not - the Mexican government can know. A lot of my clients have reported it to - when

they took the money out and continue to report it now and pay taxes there. A lot of my clients

have taken money back and then reported their entire holdings outside....

Q: ...With respect to the issue of confidentiality..., would it be safe to say that... one of the

concerns of international private banking for legitimate reasons - and I'm not suggesting for a

moment that you would do anything for an improper purpose - is to conceal the source or

ownership of a particular client's funds from people who have no reason to know?

A: Yes.

Relationship with Mexican officials

Q: What is your level of trust with Mexican authority, do you trust Mexican officials of any kind?

A: Some, some not.

Q: And how do you determine which you trust and which you don't?

A: If you get to know them and -- I mean, it's fairly obvious, I think. Mexican officials are talked

about a great deal

Q: They have a history of becoming fabulously wealthy while in office, would you agree?

A: Some....

Q: Does your team manage funds in some assets, regardless of the investment or the fiduciary

vehicle, for former Mexican political leaders or their family members?

A: No.

Mexicans of sudden, large wealth

Q: ...(F)rom your decade or so of experience dealing with Mexico, are the people... who have the

bulk of the wealth well-known in Mexico?

A: Yes, they are.

Q: Is it unusual for someone to appear in Mexico all of a sudden with a large amount of wealth

that hasn't been previously known?

A: It can happen, ... Mexico is a very big country but, but the people who hold the wealth, the

bulk of the wealth of the country are not a handful, but a number that is -... manageable. And so,

... you have to either meet them or know of them or recognize the name. That is not to say there

can't be others but, generally speaking it is a fairly tight and fairly small upper crust.

Q: Have you ever accepted a client, heard of a client who said "I have $12 million I want to

invest, but I have not had prior banking relationships?"

A: No.

Q: Have you ever in your experience..., have you ever had a situation where a wealthy person

gave you control of $2 or $3 million without having met you?

A: No.

Due diligence -- "The way we do things"

Q: ...Are you aware of any specific statute or regulation in the U.S. which specifically requires a

bank who is in the processes of accepting a prospective client... to do any particular amount of

due diligence or to follow any specific steps before they can accept the client?

A: I don't know if it's a statute. I don't know if it's a law. I just know that is the way we do


Q: Precisely. Would you agree that the due diligence process developed - was developed by the

banks to protect the banks?

A: Probably.

"It's too risky not to do the due diligence"

Q: Would you agree that the objective of the due diligence or "know your client" policy is for the

bank to achieve some level of comfort with a prospective client before accepting the client's funds

and engaging in a banking relationship?

A: ... It's too risky not to do the due diligence, not to know who you're dealing with.

Citibank's "methodology"

Q: ...(I)n your... international private banking group..., how would a relationship manager learn

that he or she had either cut a corner or shaved a little too close on the due diligence process after

that had been brought to your attention?

A: The relationship manager would be discussing the prospective client with his or her supervisor

throughout the entire process.... (I)t's a complex kind of sale, so it has a fairly long, especially if

you're not... in Mexico, it has a fairly long lead time. You would be discussing this with

somebody else, for no other reason just to check yourself. "So-and-so referred this person to me.

This person does this and this. I have got to visit that person." ... And then that person will say,

"Well you do this." So that's... the methodology that we use. So by the time the client is

accepted, all those things have been basically ironed out....

Q: ...(D)idn't you describe yourself as being terribly conservative when you were before the grand


A: .... When I was in front of the grand jury, I described myself as a conservative investor.

Q: Conservative as an investor, inflexible as a --

A: Inflexible in the way I do things....

"Know Your Customer" as "part of the culture"

Q: Now, when you hired Mr. Giraldi and when this "know your customer," "know your client,"

policy that you described was in effect, did you provide him with this information, train him about

it and instruct him upon it?

A: ... The "know your client," at least in our bank, is part of the culture. It's part of the way you

do things. It's part of the way you conduct yourself. If you come in with a prospect and/or name

of a prospect, you will be sure to be asked, "Who is this person, what do they do, who introduced

them to you," by at least three or four people higher than you. It's just the way it is....

Q: And... your bank caused your international bankers to engage in extensive efforts to know

your client before you accepted them?

A: Yes.

"Know Your Customer" -- Signature, background checks

Q: ...What's the purpose of having the bank officer verify the signature of the customer?

A: The signature card is probably the most important document in a banking relationship because

a relationship manager, such as what I do, knows the client and usually gets to know the client's

voice, a client's signature, the client's everything....

Q: ...Now as part of this "know your customer"...policy, procedure..., is there a requirement to

obtain bank references?

A: We require two bank references....

Q: Did you accept oral references or did you require written references?

A: We required written references.

"We remember birthdays"

Q: Is the "know your client" due diligence process, ... something that is ongoing and continuing

or, once you have made the decision to accept a client, that's it, he's in or she is in and you never

give your comfort level another thought?

A: ... We visit our clients 10 to 12 times a year in their country. They come back three or four

times to New York. We see the clients a lot. It's obviously a growing kind of thing and not just in

knowing your customer as (to) make sure you know what's going on, but because the relationship

can grow deeper the more you know this person. This is why we go to their homes, this is why

we visit with their family, this is why we go to their business, this is why we remember birthdays.

It just increases the depth....

Q: ...You said that one of the things that you try to do in getting to know your client and

exercising due diligence and following up with your client is that you encourage your relationship

managers to try to visit them at their home.

A: At their home or their office, yes.

Q: And another thing... that you said you liked your relationship managers to do is to get to know

everybody in the family.

A: Yes.

Q: Everybody from the wife, daughters or sons, to sisters and brother-in-laws and things like that,


A: Sister and brother-in-laws if it's relevant, but certainly close members of the family, yes.

Attraction of Swiss bank accounts

Q: Are you aware that there are people who find some attraction to Swiss bank accounts --

A: Yes.

Q: -- or Swiss portfolios?

A: Yes, yes, for confidential reasons.

Q: Why do you believe that there is that perception or... feeling about something being special

about Switzerland?

A: ... (B)ecause Switzerland is known for having numbered accounts. Switzerland is known for

having... very strict confidential laws. Switzerland did have some law changes in that - and we

have seen it - in that they will not maintain confidentiality anymore if there is a criminal reason

and/or they've been asked to provide information. A Swiss banker can, in fact, be put in jail if

they divulge the confidentiality of the name of an account....


Case No. CR B-93-028-51, So. Dis. Tex.

Before U.S. District Judge Filemon B. Vela, S. Dis. Tex.

Assistant U.S. Attorney: David Novak, Brownsville, Tex.

Attorney for Antonio Giraldi: Christopher L. Milner, Corpus Christi, Tex.


Role of Swiss Banker could Provide Salinas Link to Drug Money

The role that Joseph Oberholzer played in the movement of Raul Salinas's multi-million dollar

accounts through Swiss banks in suspected collaboration with Citibank senior private banker,

Amy Elliott, may answer the riddle of whether any of that money originated from Mexican drug


Salinas enriched himself while his brother, Carlos, was President of Mexico. He says the bulk of

an estimated $124 million was given to him for "investment" by Mexican tycoons although he

provides no documentation.

Oberholzer , a 67-year-old Swiss banker who spent a long career at Union Bank of Switzerland,

was the Swiss banker in the drug money laundering operation of Colombians, Julio and Sheila

Nasser David, who were indicted by the U.S. in 1993. After her arrest in Switzerland, Sheila

Nasser was extradited to the U.S., pleaded guilty and is serving a prison term. Her husband is a

fugitive. About $150 million was forfeited by the Swiss in 1993.

Oberholzer was arrested, held briefly by the Swiss authorities and released after a few weeks. He

is retired in Switzerland. No money laundering charges were brought against him by the U.S. for

his role in the operation.

Swiss authorities are investigating Oberholzer's role in the transfer of Salinas's funds to

Switzerland. Knowledgeable Mexican sources say he played an important role in the Salinas

banking operations and was a close financial confidante of Salinas.

If no drug link is found, the Swiss may have difficulty forfeiting the money unless the U.S. steps

in with its more ample laundering and forfeiture laws to lay claim under U.S.-Swiss bilateral


Obscure weapon in U.S. laundering law could confront Citibank

Allegations that Citibank officials administered multi-million dollar transactions for Raul Salinas

with money he amassed by shaking down multinational corporations in Mexico and possibly from

drug traffickers bring into play a little-used provision of the U.S. money laundering law as it

applies to foreign official corruption.

While his brother was President of Mexico, Raul Salinas opened a customer relationship at

Citibank in Mexico managed by Amelia Grovas Elliott, the head of the bank's "Mexico team" in

New York. Salinas used false and front names to open accounts in Switzerland with Elliott's help.

One Swiss account at a Swiss private bank, where Citibank is alleged to have routed part of the

money, had $84 million on deposit. Other funds were held at a Citibank Swiss affiliate, Confidas.

The U.S. money laundering law has "extra-territorial" reach if the transactions are by a U.S.

citizen or, if by a non-U.S. citizen, they occurred in part in the U.S. The known facts fit that

standard for Salinas and Citibank officers (Title 18, USC Sec. 1956(f)).

The key determination for U.S. prosecutors is whether the money "involved in (the) financial

transaction" was the "proceeds of specified unlawful activity." Among the many crimes defined as

"SUAs" are five strictly foreign crimes: extortion, narcotics, fraud against a foreign bank,

kidnaping and robbery (Title 18, USC Sec. 1956(c)(7)(B)(I)-(iii)). Their proceeds can be the basis

for a U.S. laundering prosecution even if the crime was committed outside the U.S.

If the Salinas money that Citibank managed came from drug traffickers or from extortionately-obtained payments in Mexico, and bank officials knew or were "willfully blind" to its unlawful

origin, a laundering prosecution is possible if there was an intent to hide or disguise the nature,

source, location or ownership of the money.

The main U.S. extortion law, the Hobbs Act, is used against corrupt U.S. public officials who are

accused of the crime of "obtaining... property from another, with his consent, induced by

wrongful use of actual or threatened... fear, or under color of official right" (Title 18, USC Sec.

1951(b)(2)). Congress had it in mind when it included foreign extortion as an SUA.

If these requirements are met, Salinas and Citibank officers could face exposure to prosecution.

Citibank told Congress in 1989 of tight grip on foreign accounts

Citibank, under scrutiny by the Swiss, Mexican and U.S. governments for transactions it

conducted for Raul Salinas, the brother of the former Mexican President, told a U.S.

Congressional committee in 1989 that its money laundering controls worldwide were a model of

good compliance.

"Citicorp is committed to compliance with both the letter and the spirit of the law.... Citicorp

created a committee, comprised of ...personnel from all affected Citicorp businesses, to monitor

the compliance network of the institution," Citibank lawyer Carl T. Solberg told a Senate Foreign

Relations Subcommittee in 1989, the year after Salinas became President.

He said Citibank's foreign branches had adopted "the same standard of customer and transaction

review which is placed on United States branches," explaining that "this voluntarily imposed

compliance program, in place for a number of years, has as its foundation in the fundamental

banking policy of know your customer.'"

He said the bank pioneered reporting suspicious transactions: "Citicorp banking entities began

filing criminal referral reports for suspicious transactions in May 1987.... We know of no other

major financial institution that implemented written procedures to govern the reporting of

suspicious transactions at that time...."


From the June 1996 issue of Money Laundering Alert:

"Mexican Drug Lord with Ties to Salinas Faces New U.S. Indictment"

Federal prosecutors in Houston last month filed new charges against Mexican drug lord, Juan

Garcia Abrego, who Mexico deported to the U.S. after his January arrest. Garcia had been

indicted in absentia in 1993. The new charges supersede that indictment. He is said to hold the

key to exposing the extensive Mexican government corruption during the presidency of Carlos

Salinas that ended in December 1994. Raul Salinas, brother of the President, is believed to have

maintained close ties to Garcia but no links to drug proceeds have been found to date in the many

accounts around the world where Salinas accumulated as much as $250 million during his

brother's presidency (MLA, April 1996).

The new money laundering and drug trafficking charges show he is not above bribing public

officials. His drug cartel was said to spend $50 million a month in bribes to public officials. One of

the recipients is believed to be Mario Ruiz Massieu, former Deputy Attorney General of Mexico,

whose $9 million at the Texas Commerce Bank in Houston has been seized by the U.S. (MLA,

July 1995).

The new indictment has no reference to Salinas or Massieu, but it does paint a picture of a far-flung organization that used diverse tactics to move and launder its millions. They included paying

$200,000 in bribes to an FBI special agent who posed as a corrupt federal agent. The indictment

says Garcia maintained direct telephone contact with the undercover FBI agent whose court

testimony in the upcoming trial is surely not anticipated with glee by Garcia.

The indictment contains the novel allegation that Garcia's organization caused a real estate title

company, Texas American Title Co., to file a false IRS Form 8300, the cash reporting form that

trades and businesses must file when they receive more than $10,000 in cash. There are similar

charges concerning cars that the ring bought from four automobile dealerships. Those companies

were not charged (Case No. H-93-CR-167-3S, So. Dis. Tex.).


From the July 1996 issue of Money Laundering Alert:

"Court Expands Exposure of Private Bankers"

In a decision that will cause tremors in the private banking industry, the U.S. 5th Circuit Court of

Appeals on June 19 upheld the money laundering conviction of a former private banker for

American Express Bank International. The case led to the imposition of the largest monetary

penalty ever imposed on a bank in a money laundering-related case. The conviction of Antonio

Giraldi turned in large measure on "know-your-customer" issues.

In its ruling the court alludes to an inherent money laundering soft spot in the private banking

field: "the pressure on international bankers to recruit new clients and the concomitant

professional and monetary success that comes to those who are able to produce."

Private banking has recently become the focus of unwanted attention as a result of the scandal

surrounding the movement of hundreds of millions of dollars of purportedly ill-gotten money

belonging to Raul Salinas, the brother of former Mexican President Carlos Salinas.

A star witness for the government in the Giraldi prosecution was Amy Elliot, Giraldi's former

superior at Citibank. Elliot, who was the head of Citibank's private banking "Mexico team," is

now at the center of a controversy over how the suspect fortune of her customer, Raul Salinas,

moved through and was handled by Citibank (MLA, Apr. 1996).

In 1989, while working for Bankers Trust Co. in New York as an international private banker in

the Mexico market, Antonio Giraldi recruited and serviced accounts of wealthy Mexican

nationals. He was also responsible for screening potential clients to assure that their wealth was

legitimate. Intentionally or not, Giraldi proved a failure at his client-screening function.

That year, Giraldi recruited a new client, Ricardo Aguirre, who made an initial deposit of $2

million. A few months later, Giraldi left Bankers Trust and went to work for American Express

Bank International. Aguirre's accounts, which followed Giraldi to AEBI, grew dramatically to

more than $21 million. Aguirre, whom Giraldi had never met before opening the account, turned

out to be a money launderer for the Mexican drug cartel of Juan Garcia Abrego.

The U.S. money laundering law requires that the person "know" that the "property involved in a

financial transaction represents the proceeds of some form of unlawful activity" (Title 18, USC

Sec. 1956). Without proof of such knowledge, or of "willful blindness" of such illicit origin, a

money laundering conviction cannot stand. During his month-long trial, Giraldi tried to convince a

McAllen, Texas, jury that he didn't know Aguirre's money was dirty. He failed and, together with

his co-worker Lourdes Reategui, was convicted. He was sentenced to 10 years in prison.

In recent years, courts have recognized that a money laundering trial often boils down to a single

inquiry of whether the defendant "knew" the source of the money was illicit. Acknowledging that

there is rarely direct evidence of such knowledge, courts have uniformly held that circumstantial

evidence is sufficient to prove knowledge. And, if a defendant consciously avoids knowledge of

facts that would provide the requisite knowledge, his "willful blindness" won't provide a safe

harbor. Courts often equate "willful blindness" with actual knowledge in a money laundering


Giraldi contended on appeal that the evidence at trial was insufficient to establish that he knew

Aguirre's funds were drug money. He argued that there was no direct evidence that he knew the

money was from drugs and that all the government really proved was that he was negligent in not

discovering the illicit source of the cash. At most, he argued, the government had proved that he

"should have known" the money was dirty. He said such evidence was not enough to sustain his

conviction. Calling it a "close case," the appellate court held that Giraldi's contention didn't fly.

Circuit Judge Parker, writing for the court, reasoned that the evidence was more than enough for

the jury to find that Giraldi knew, or was willfully blind to, the source of Aguirre's funds.

(Case No. 94-60602, 5th Cir. Ct App.)

Giraldi is not the only one paying for his transgressions. American Express Bank International

was held civilly liable and paid $35.2 million in forfeitures, civil fines and penalties, the largest

settlement on record in a money laundering case (MLA, Dec. 1994).

---David S. Mandel, a member of MLA's Editorial Board of Advisors, is Of Counsel to the

international law firm of Morgan, Lewis & Bockius LLP. He directs the Miami office's

Corporate Investigations and Criminal Defense Practice Group.


From the August 1996 issue of Money Laundering Alert:

FinCEN's Morris speaks on merits of Salinas-Citibank case

In the first public statement by a United States official on the merits of the Raul Salinas-Citibank

case, Stanley E. Morris, director of the U.S. Treasury Department's Financial Crimes

Enforcement Network, said to La Jornada, a prominent Mexican newspaper: "We have not

identified the violation of any specified unlawful activity on the part of Raul Salinas. The fact that

there was money in an account, in multiple accounts in the United States, is not a crime."

Interviewed by that newspaper in Washington for articles that appeared on June 25 and 29,

Morris said the U.S. criminal investigation of that affair could last "up to one year, or maybe


He said the fact that Salinas, brother of former Mexican President Carlos Salinas, is in jail in

Mexico for "inexplicable enrichment" is not a crime in the U.S. If Salinas is "accused" of

committing a "specified unlawful activity," a U.S. bank involved in the transfer of his funds could

be accused of money laundering only if it "knowingly assisted and promoted a criminal activity"

or did not comply with a banking regulation, he said.

He added that Citibank has operated in Mexico for many years and has firm procedures in place

to assure that it complies with U.S. regulations.

Morris said FinCEN has had a team in Mexico "to help the Mexican government improve its

procedures for detecting money laundering."


From the November 1996 issue of Money Laundering Alert:

"Conviction of Drug Lord Aids Salinas Inquiry"

Juan Garcia Abrego, the drug lord who can answer the question whether his unfettered reign

over drug trafficking in Mexico during the six-year term of former Mexican President Carlos

Salinas was achieved with payoffs to the president's brother, Raul, was convicted in a McAllen,

Texas, federal court last month on 22 money laundering and drug trafficking charges.

He faces a life prison term - unless he decides to talk. His option of providing "substantial

cooperation" and thereby reducing his prison term runs for one year from the time he is sentenced

next January. Raul Salinas maintained close ties to Garcia Abrego.

Garcia Abrego lived by terror and by payoffs to friends in high office. One of them was the

deputy attorney general under Salinas, Javier Coello Trejo, who received $1.5 million per month

from Garcia Abrego.

The trial was followed with great interest by Justice Department officials in Washington and New

York who are investigating possible money laundering by Raul Salinas through U.S. financial

institutions, including Citibank. Salinas maintained close ties to Garcia but no links to drug

proceeds have yet been found in the many accounts around the world, including several at

Citibank facilities, where Salinas accumulated as much as $250 million during his brother's

presidency (MLA, April 1996).

There are persistent, though still unproved, reports that the U.S. government has witnesses in the

wings who can establish that some of the massive wealth Salinas accumulated during his brother's

presidency came from Garcia Abrego. There has been close coordination between officials in

Washington and Texas, which was also the venue of the 1994 trial of two American Express Bank

International private bankers who were convicted of laundering drug proceeds for one of Garcia

Abrego's money launderers.

If drug proceeds can be shown to have formed part of the money that U.S. financial institutions

handled for Salinas it would establish a crucial link required for a U.S. money laundering

prosecution: that his transactions included the proceeds of narcotics trafficking, a "specified

unlawful activity" under the laundering law (MLA, Jan. 1996).

Federal prosecutor Melissa Annis, chief of the Houston U.S. Attorney's Drug Task Force, who

led the month-long trial of Garcia Abrego, said: "The jury got to see a picture of all the cocaine

coming into the U.S. and heard from the guys who took all the money back south and brought the

money back, much of it properly declared on the Customs CMIR form.

The cooperation of the

Mexican government was extremely important. It is a signal to anyone hiding from us that they're

not above getting captured, expelled and prosecuted. We have taken the head off the octopus and

obliterated his organization."

Garcia Abrego was said to spend $50 million a month in bribes to public officials. A crucial

witness was an undercover FBI agent, Claude de la O, who gained the confidence of Garcia

Abrego while posing as a corrupt agent, took $200,000 in purported bribes (Case No. H-93-CR-167-3S, So. Dis. Tex.).


From the December 1996 issue of Money Laundering Alert:

"Banker Seeks New Trial Saying Salinas Banker Lied about KYC"

The landmark money laundering cases involving Raul Salinas, Juan Garcia Abrego and Antonio

Giraldi, which are becoming increasingly interrelated, took another strange turn last month.

Giraldi, a former private banker with American Express Bank International who was convicted in

June 1994 of laundering drug proceeds for the Mexican drug cartel of Garcia Abrego through his

bank customer, Ricardo Aguirre, asked for a new trial alleging that Amy Elliott, who testified

against him as a government witness, lied about the "know your customer" procedures that she

and her bank followed with their private banking customers.

Elliott, a 29-year Citibank employee and a senior private banking officer, was Giraldi's superior

at Citibank in the mid-1980s. She was also the private banker of Raul Salinas, brother of the

former president of Mexico. With Elliott's help, Salinas established accounts throughout the

world under circumstances that Giraldi says fatally contradict the strict "know your customer"

procedures she said she followed "fairly inflexibly" for wealthy foreign private banking customers.

In his motion, Giraldi says that only recent news stories, including a segment on "60 Minutes,"

about the apparent lapses by Elliott and Citibank in the handling of Salinas's money brought to

light the contradictions with the way she described, at his trial, the meticulous care that she and

Citibank took in learning a customer's background. The "newly discovered evidence clearly

demonstrates the falsity of Ms. Elliott's testimony" at his trial, says Giraldi.

"(I)f Ms. Elliott, one of the most senior and experienced international private bankers in the

industry, with extensive experience in Mexico and personal familiarity with Mexico's wealthy

upper crust,' could be maneuvered by a clever and attractive prospective international banking

client like Mr. Salinas, then it would have been much easier for a relative beginner like Giraldi to

have been maneuvered by Aguirre in a regulatory climate three years less intense," argues

Giraldi's lawyer, Christopher L. Milner, of Dallas.

Evidence of Elliott's conduct in connection with the Salinas accounts "if shared with the jury...

would have easily tipped the scales in... Giraldi's favor," says the former banker's lawyer.

Federal District Judge Filemon B. Vela will decide whether to grant a new trial or hold an

evidentiary hearing before so deciding or do nothing. First, he will have to consider the

government's response to Giraldi's motion.

On December 6, Charles Dause, one of the prosecutors who tried Giraldi, filed a response which

