Fame | John Stallworth net worth and salary income estimation Jan, 2024

How old is John Stallworth? When is John Stallworth's birthday? Where is John Stallworth born? Where did John Stallworth grow up from? What's John Stallworth's age?

John Stallworth Born: 1952 (age 71years), Tuscaloosa, AL

Is John Stallworth married? When did John Stallworth get married? Who's John Stallworth's married to? (Who's John Stallworth's husband / wife)?

John Stallworth Spouse: Flo Stallworth (m. 1974)

How about John Stallworth's sibling?

John Stallworth Sibling: Mary Stallworth

How tall is John Stallworth in meters or centimeters?

John Stallworth Height: 6 2

How about John Stallworth's number?

John Stallworth Number: 82 (Pittsburgh Steelers)

How about John Stallworth's picked date?

John Stallworth Picked date: 1974 (Pittsburgh Steelers)

How about John Stallworth's inducted date?

John Stallworth Inducted date: 2002

What is John Stallworth doing now?

John Stallworth played for the Pittsburgh Steelers for 14 seasons from 1974 through 1987.

Did John Stallworth make the Hall of Fame?

John Stallworth played for the Pittsburgh Steelers for 14 seasons from 1974 through 1987.

Who was better Swann or Stallworth?

John Stallworth played for the Pittsburgh Steelers for 14 seasons from 1974 through 1987.

What years did John Stallworth play for the Pittsburgh Steelers?

John Stallworth played for the Pittsburgh Steelers for 14 seasons from 1974 through 1987.
