Kubridge Vita - Vita Homebrew Apps (Plugins)

Kubridge is a plugin that removes some limitations concerning DynaRec oriented features for PS Vita/PSTV.


Copy kubridge.suprx to ur0:tai/ and add these lines to your ur0:tai/config.txt

*KERNEL ur0:tai/kubridge.skprx 

Reboot your device and relaunch HENkaku.


v0.3 2022/10/29 (by bythos14)

  • Refactored exception handling.
  • Added support for undefined instruction exceptions.
  • Deprecated abort handler entrypoints and functionality in favor of exception specific handlers.

v0.2 2022/08/22 (by bythos14)

  • Added Memory management functions
  • Added support for user space exception handling for Data and Prefetch abort exceptions.

v0.1 2021/01/23 (by TheFlow)

  • First Release.

External links
