Which star had the most sordid past?

Paula and Ann Prentiss

Paula and her sister Ann were both molested by their father. He would take them into the bathroom for a bare bottomed spanking and would then, well...

Paula Prentiss first came to fame playing the character "Tuggle" in "Where The Boys Are." She was escorted for a fair amount of p.r. for this film by her own mother, which lent for Ann (who was younger) to be at home with her father.

Paula Prentiss tried to commit suicide while filming the movie "What's New Pussycat." She tried to walk the beams of the set one day and almost jumped to her death, but a stagehand saved her.

She was then taken from France (which is where the movie was being shot) to Payne Whitney Psychiatric Hospital. Richard Benjamin had to spin things for the press to make it seem that her parents gave their consent (consider the era) but in reality her father disallowed her own mother and sister from having contact with her during this time.

Paula Prentiss was diagnosed with manic depression during this time and she received the standard treatments for that era for such a thing. She also stayed out of the public eye for a fair while, but eventually bounced back with her husband in the t.v. show "He and She."

Meanwhile. There is Ann. The whole time that Paula Prentiss is at least fortunate enough to have Richard Benjamin (they are still married) in her life, there is Ann. Ann Prentiss was a gorgeous woman who was led into modeling and later acting by Paula Prentiss because that freed her from living with their father.

So Ann is trying her best to come along. She even appeared on "He and She" and was on a short lived show called "Captain Nice." She hung in there as a bit player throughout the years, and even had a very fair role in the film "California Split." But, as time went on it became apparent that Ann would never have at least someone who would be as devoted to her as Richard Benjamin always has been to Paula Prentiss.

Ann had (once again consider the era) conflicting emotions about her sexuality because of her childhood and young adulthood history of abuse. So, Ann remained closeted and wound up working less and less as the years went on. She was quite mentally ill but self medicated with drugs.

Paula Prentiss took scads of time off from her career for two reasons. One reason was that she truly wanted to do well by her children with Richard Benjamin and who can blame her? The other reason was Ann.

Ann developed a criminal streak along with her issues with mental illness and drugs taking. Paula Prentiss spent a very great deal of time trying to help her sister to no avail. And, quite some time ago, Ann Prentiss went on to assault their father with a firearm and got busted for it. While she was in prison, she placed a hit on Richard Benjamin, her nephew Ross, and her father- and she got busted for that. Ann passed away in prison just this time last year having served a good 19 year sentence for all of her charges.

Meanwhile. Paula Prentiss just plainly retired for the most part. She (as I mentioned) quite willing took time off to raise her children to a fair degree. And, she also took that bit of time away after she fell ill. But, the biggest thing she took time away for was her very own sister Ann.
