Stephen Macht was born in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, on May 1, 1942. He will be 81 years old in August 2023. Stephen Robert Macht is his full name.
Stephen Macht is a well-known actor who began his career in 1973 and is still active today.
Stephen Macht is a married man, and his wife’s name is Suzanne Pulier. The couple married in 1964 and is still going strong today. Stephen Macht and his wife have four children, which are listed below.
Stephen Macht Children: Gabriel Macht
Mr. Stephen Macht Gabriel Macht has two children.
Gabriel Macht was born in New York, New York, on January 22, 1972. He will be 51 years old in August 2023.
His full name is Gabriel Swann Macht.
Gabriel Macht is a well-known actor and film producer who began his career in 1980 and finished in 2019.
Gabriel Macht is a married man, and his wife’s name is Jacinda Barrett. They married in 2004 and are still together to this day. The couple is the parents of two children.
Ari Serbin Macht
Ari Serbin Macht has little information other than the fact that he is the son of Stephen and Gabriel Macht.
Jesse Macht’s
Jesse Macht is a vocalist who specializes in folk music. Homewards, I Was Born, Acts of Province, and Suitcase Heart are his albums.
Julie Macht
There is currently no information available about Julie Macht.