A VIOLENT gang of boozed-up mums knocked a student unconscious after beating her senseless outside a nightclub.
Jessica Howland, 25, Nadine Telfer, 31, and Toni Lowther, 26, battered Courtney McCullough in an unprovoked attack.

The thugs punched and kicked the student until she was knocked unconscious, while two of her friends were also assaulted in the "ugly melee".
All three escaped jail after being handed suspended sentences at Thanet Magistrates Court.
The court heard how the girls and Howland's dad Anthony had been sinking free booze at a 60th birthday in Herne Bay, Kent, on May 28.

They then moved on to Vivid nightclub in the high street where they carried on drinking.
Courtney, who was with pal Ryan Parker and a 17-year-old lad, was standing outside the club when she was set upon by the violent trio.
Howland's dad smacked the youngster, while the girls rained punches on Courtney until she blacked out.
Sickening CCTV showed one of Courtney's friends failing to prevent the trio from getting to her.
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Telfer tried claiming she couldn't remember the night after she was shown the footage, while Lowther said she couldn't how the brawl had started, and Jessica Howland became upset.
Anthony Howland said “You won’t see me do anything wrong" seconds before the footage showed him punching the teenager.
He admitted assaulting the 17-year-old boy, while his daughter and Telfer admitted assaulting all three victims.
Lowther pleaded guilty to assaulting Courtney.

Ian Bond, defending, said Howland and Telfer were single mothers who were “ashamed to have been involved in this ugly melee”.
Lowther was given a 12-week suspended prison sentence, made subject to a night-time curfew and ordered to do 200 hours unpaid work. She must also pay £300 compensation, £250 court costs and a £115 victim surcharge.
Telfer and Jessica Howland were given five-month suspended prison sentences. They must each also pay £500 compensation, £250 costs and a £115 surcharge.
Anthony Howland was given an 18-month community order with 270 hours unpaid work. He must pay £250 costs, £100 compensation and £85 costs.
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