Who is Arnetta Yardbourgh, Shaquille ONeals ex-girlfriend?

Arnetta Yardbourgh is known for her relationship with Shaquille O’Neal and is an effective financial specialist and humanitarian.
Yardbourgh’s training and counseling firm, AY and Partners, LLC, has flourished for more than 14 years, serving entrepreneurs and business visionaries
Yardbourgh’s singular achievements and obligation to enabling ladies in business make her stick out

Arnetta Marie Yardbourgh, an American financial specialist and donor, has as of late caught the consideration of the general population because of her past heartfelt inclusion with NBA Corridor of Famer Shaquille O’Neal. Yet again with O’Neal standing out as truly newsworthy for being seen with Brittany Renner, individuals are interested to study Yardbourgh and her experience.

Yardbourgh, who was born on December 10, 1971, hails from Houston, Texas, where she spent her early stages. She finished her schooling at San Antonio’s Judson Secondary School prior to selecting at the College of Houston. Right now, Yardbourgh fills in as an Expert Holistic mentor at Otr life training, Inc., and she distinguishes herself as a Christian regarding her strict convictions.

With a vocation crossing more than 14 years, Yardbourgh is the Organizer and Leader of AY and Partners, LLC, a firm gaining practical experience in training, wellbeing, and counseling. She has a specific proclivity for working with entrepreneurs, business people, and associations as an outer mentor. Notwithstanding her expert interests, Yardbourgh exhibited her affection for sports and eagerness to investigate new ventures by expecting the jobs of President and Co-Proprietor of the Sugar Land Legends in 2012. The Sugar Land Legends is a semi-proficient men’s b-ball group subsidiary with the ABA, situated in Sugar Land, Texas.

Driven by her encounters as an expert and business person, Yardbourgh assumed on the liability of Part Leader of FemCity® Houston, exhibiting her commitment to supporting ladies in business. As an Ensured Lady Possessed Business (WBE), she is enthusiastic about associating and enabling Femfessionals in Houston and its encompassing regions.

In her own life, Yardbourgh was associated with a four-year relationship with Shaquille O’Neal, which endured from 1992 to 1996. Despite the fact that their heartfelt connection reached a conclusion toward the beginning of January 1996, they have kept a conscious relationship since the introduction of their girl, Taahirah O’Neal, on July 18, 1996.

Arnetta Yardbourgh’s achievements as a money manager and her capacity to explore individual associations with elegance represent her strength and assurance. While her association with Shaquille O’Neal adds a fascinating aspect to her story, Yardbourgh’s singular accomplishments say a lot about her personality and progress in different fields.
