Genshin Impact: All Weapons Tier List (2024)

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Genshin Impact has many weapons for players to choose from, which can be a bit overwhelming at times—knowing which weapons are the best and for what role is key to bringing out the greatest potential in all Genshin Impact characters.

Genshin Impact has a library of weapons that continues to grow with every update. This tier list will continue to update with each new weapon that is introduced. It will contain a section for each type of weapon to have its own tier list and a section for new weapons that have yet to be tested to see where they will rank.

Related: All Swords in Genshin Impact: An In-depth Guide

Table of Contents

Tier List Explanation

This Genshin Impact weapons tier list will be split by weapon type and ideal roles they are best suited for, whether as a Main DPS, Sub DPS, or a Support weapon. There are five types of weapons, each with its own abilities and stats. These abilities are the main focus for sorting them by rank and role. The stronger the ability and the more characters the weapon can be paired with, the higher the weapon’s ranking will be assigned.

Some weapons may appear more than once, as any combination of Main DPS, Sub DPS, or Support, but will have a different rank based on their usefulness in that particular role.

Newest Weapons in Genshin Impact

The newest weapons in Genshin Impact are the following.

Sword Tier List Genshin Impact

These are the rankings for the best swords in Genshin Impact.

Main DPS Sub DPS Support
S+Light of Foliar Incision; Mistsplitter Reforged; Primordial Jade Cutter; Haran Geppaku Futsu
SFinale of the Deep; Summit Shaper; Skyward Blade; Aquila Favonia; The Black Sword
ALion’s Roar; Toukabou Shigure; Prototype Rancour; Blackcliff Longsword; Harbinger of Dawn; Key of Khaj-Nisut
BThe Flute; Royal Longsword; Iron Sting; Kagotsurube Isshin; Skyrider Sword
CSword of Narzissenkruez; Sword of Descension; Fillet Blade; Dark Iron Sword; Cool Steel
S+Splendor of Tranquil Waters; Freedom-Sworn; Mistsplitter Reforged; Primordial Jade Cutter
SWolf-Fang; Gleuve Cendre Ferryman; The Dockhand’s Assistant; Skyward Blade; Favonius Sword; Sacrificial Sword; Harbinger of Dawn; Xiphos’ Moonlight
AAmenoma Kageuchi; The Alley Flash; Iron Sting; Toukabou Shigure; Festering Desire; Key of Khaj-Nisut
BLion’s Roar; Cinnabar Spindle; Skyrider Sword
CDark Iron Sword; Cool Steel
S+Freedom-Sworn; Favonius Sword; Xiphos’ Moonlight
SFleuve Cendre Ferryman; Sapwood Blade; Sacrificial Sword
AKey of Khaj-Nisut; Primordial Jade Cutter
CTraveler’s Handy Sword

Claymore Tier List Genshin Impact

These are the rankings for the best claymore in Genshin Impact

Main DPS Sub DPS Support
S+Beacon of the Reed Sea; Wolf-Fang; Redhorn Stonethresher; Serpent Spine; Song of Broken Pines
SSkyward Pride; The Unfoged; Prototype Archaic; Whiteblind; Snow-Tombed Starsilver
ALuxurious Sea-Lord; Akuomaru; Blackcliff Slasher; Mailed Flower; Skyrider Greatsword
BTidal Shadow; Talking Stick; The Bell; Rainslasher; Royal Greatsword; Lithic Blade; Debate Club
CWhite Iron Greatsword; Ferrous Shadow; Bloddtainted Greatsword
S+Beacon of the Reed Sea; Skyward Pride; Favonius Greatsword; Sacrificial Greatsword
SKatsuragikiri Nagamasa; Wolf-Fang; Akuomaru
AMailed Flower; Luxurious Sea-Lord; Makhaira Aquamarine
BTidal Shadow; Portable Power Saw; Bloodtainted Greatsword; Lithic Blade; Rainslasher
S+Wolf-Fang; Song of Broken; Beacon of the Reed Sea; Favonius Greatsword
SForest Regalia; Sacrificial Greatsword; Makhaira Aquamarine
AThe Unforged; The Bell
BFerrous Shadow

Polearms Tier List Genshin Impact

These are the rankings for the best polearms in Genshin Impact

Main DPS Sub DPS Support
S+Engulfing Lightning; Staff of Homa; Primordial Jade Winged-Spear; Staff of the Scarlet Sands
SCalamity Queller, Vortex Vanquisher, Skyward Spine, Deathmatch
ABallad of the Fjords; Wavebreaker’s Fin; Blackcliff Pole; Lithic Spear
BProspector’s Drill; Dragon’s Bane; Crescent Pike; Royal Spear; Prototype Starglitter; Dragonspine Spear
CHalberd; White Tassel; Black Tassel
S+Engulfing Lightning; Skwyard Spine; The Catch
SCalamity Queller; Staff of Homa; Primordial Jade Winged-Spear; Staff of the Scarlet Sands; Favonius lance; Wavebreaker’s Fin
ABallad of the Fjords; Moonpiercer; Kitain Cross Spear; Missive Windspear; Dragon’s Bane; Deathmatch
BProspector’s Drill; Lithic Spear; Prototype Starglitter
CBlack Tassel
S+Favonius Lance
ARightful Reward; Vortex Vanquisher; Missive Windspear; Staff of Homa; Black Tassel

Bow Tier List Genshin Impact

These are the rankings for the best bows in Genshin Impact

Main DPS Sub DPS Support
S+The First Great Magic; Polar Star; Thundering Pulse; Skyward Harp
SHunter’s Bow; Aqua Simulacra; Amos’ Bow; Rust
AScion of the Blazing Sun; Hamayumi; Blackcliff Warbow; The Viridescent Hunt; Mouun’s Moon
BRange Gauge; Ibis Piercer; Prototype Crescent; Raven Bow; Slingshot; King’s Squire
CMitternachts Waltz; Predator; Royal Bow; Compound Bow; Messenger; Sharpshotter’;s Oath
S+Polar Star; Aqua Simulacra; Elegy for the End; Skyward Harp
SMouun’s Moon; The Stringless; Favonius Warbow; Fading Twilight; Sacrificial Bow
AAlley Hunter
BSong of Stillness; Range Gauge; Windblume Ode; King’s Squire
CEnd of the Line; Raven Bow; Sharpshooter’s Oath
S+Elegy for the End; Favonius Warbow
SSacrificial Bow
AFading Twilight
BThe Viridescent Hunt
CRecurve Bow

Catalyst Tier List Genshin Impact

These are the rankings for the best catalyst in Genshin Impact

Main DPS Sub DPs Support
S+Cashflow Supervision; Tome of the Eternal Flow; Skyward Atlas; Lost Prayer to the Sacred Winds; Kaura’s Verity; The Widsith; Tulaytullah’s Remembrance
SDodoco Tales; Solar Pearl
AFlowing Purity; Ballad of the Boundless Blue; Everlasting Moonglow; Memory of Dust; Wine and Song; Mappa Mare; Blackcliff Agate; Wandering Evenstar
BEye of Perception; Royal Grimoire; Frostbearer
CFruit of Fulfillment; Twin Nephrite; Magic Guide; Emerald Orb

About the author

Jordan Althoff

Jordan Althoff is a contributing writer for Gamepur and an RPG, cozy game, and Dungeons & Dragons enthusiast. If there is a story to be told, they are happily playing that game. In-between games, they do all things nerdy or cause chaos making their next cosplay.

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