[quote] Okay thanks. I get that people who ship them know about that but not someone who doesn't. There are still people who don't even know that playlist existed. You would basically have to be paying really close attention to Brandon to know all that.
For the newbies.
- Richard and Brandon have known each other since at least October 2018 because that's when photos of them surfaced from a party. Richard followed Brandon on Nov 2, 2018. Brandon followed Richard on Nov 3, 2018.
- Nov 5. One of Brandon's friends- Asia Chow- posted in IG a pic of Brandon and Richard hanging out together and commented that Brandon was lucky. Brandon replied back "blessed."
- According to several sightings posted in SM, Richard and Brandon spent NYE together in Scotland.
- At a few social occasions after that, Richard and Brandon appear together.
- Jan 13,2019: Brandon and Richard were at Critics’ Choice Awards after party. Richard's parents are in the pics with them.
- Jan 16,2019: Richard took Brandon to Elton John’s concert in Sacramento. via @elleusa @jimheadjr
- Sometime in February, Brandon's ex, Sam Smith, unfollowed Richard on Instagram.
- Brandon starts to follows Richard's dad on Instagram, and Richard's dad follows Brandon -- which is notable in that his dad only follows a handful of people, mostly family and close friends.
- Feb 21, 2019. A photo surfaces of Richard walking Brandon's dog in LA. And shortly thereafter, an article pops up that says Richard is "crashing" with his "pal" Brandon in LA while Richard looks for work in Hollywood.
- Mar 21,2019: there are pics of Brandon and Richard at Wallows “Nothing Happens”release party.
- Richard flies back to London to start production on his new movie "2017" where he's in with Colin Firth and Benedict Cumberbatch. But on Saturday night, March 30, a photo surfaces of him and Brandon at the Noel Coward Theatre in London, sitting together at the play All About Eve, so it's obvious that Brandon has traveled to London with Richard
- Just a few days later- April 6- , they're both back in LA, walking down the street with their arms around each other .
- A DL poster claims to have seen the two of them together at a restaurant recently, acting all cozy and intimate. DL poster says he assumed they were just another gay couple, but then he recognized Richard.- In recent interviews -Vogue- , Richard's answer about not talking about his personal life, the journalist notes he is "still chilly". The Vogue interviewer makes it explicit how defensive Madden got when the subject of sexuality was brought up.
-Richard starts to be papped almost daily, always ALONE in LA.
- Brandon has a Spotify play list of love songs titled "Richard."
- Brandon keeps giving hints, liking Richard's pics and sharing songs from the Richard playlist . He also shared a Frank Sinatra song the night before the interview came out in which Richard said he was a big fan of Sinatra.