Michelle Zauner and Peter Bradley. | Source: Getty Images
Singer/songwriter Michelle Zauner married Japanese Breakfast bandmate Peter Bradley and revealed she has been in love with both men and women.
Japanese Breakfast lead vocalist, songwriter, and best-selling author Michelle Zauner married bandmate Peter Bradley, but before she met him, she had been in love with women.
Peter Bradley is a talented musician but is most famous for being Michelle Zauner's husband. Fans are curious to know more about Michelle Zauner, her husband, and her bisexual orientation.

Michelle Zauner of Japanese Breakfast at the ACL Music Fest 2022, in Austin, Texas. | Source: Getty Images
Like Karrueche Tran, singer-songwriter Michelle Zauner has become an icon to Asian-American youth, who see themselves and their cultural ambivalence in their image and music.
In her best-selling memoir, "Crying in H Mart," Zauner opened up about her relationship with her mother, who could often be critical of her only child.
Zauner stands out not just because of her quirky fashion sense and alternative music style but because she is happily married to a bandmate, Peter Bradley, yet defines herself as bisexual.
Michelle Zauner sings about her love for Bradley, her pain at the loss of her mother, and her passion for other women -- in her hands, it all becomes music and stories.
But Peter Bradley, who plays keyboard and guitar in Japanese Breakfast, is her soulmate. Their bond is so evident that fans call the couple "Mrs. and Mr. Breakfast.'"

Michelle Zauner and Peter Bradley at the 2022 TIME100 Gala in New York City. | Source: Getty Images
They Met Accidentally in a Bar - Michelle Fell in Love and Dedicated a Song to Peter
Not surprisingly, music brought Peter Bradley and Michelle Zauner together. He was playing at a bar, and she saw him. Zauner revealed:
"There is a bar in South Philly, called 12 Steps Down, where I met my husband. I was seeing someone else at the time, but I just knew I needed to be with this person."
As an apology to the person she dumped, Zauner wrote the song "12 Steps," in which she explained that she had met the love of her life and nothing else could compare.
For Bradley, Zauner wrote the song "Til Death," an ode to his love and how he has helped her deal with some of the worst moments of her life. She sings:
"Your embrace, healing my wounds/ Teach me to breathe, teach me to move."
Michelle Asked Him to Marry Her in Her Terminally Ill Mother’s Ward
The proposal that led to Bradley and Zauner's marriage happened in 2014 in an unconventional setting. The singer proposed to Bradley at the hospital in the presence of her terminally ill mother. She explained:
'"I asked him to marry me. I asked him because I knew it would make my mom hold on a little longer. Because I didn't want things to end that way, I wanted it to end with flowers and macaroons and my mom watching her only kid get married."
Zauner and Bradley married with her mother in attendance, and she got to share the special moment when she said "Yes" to the man she loved.
Zauner's mother and her sister died of gastrointestinal cancer, and the idea that she might also succumb at an early age drives the singer to live passionately and write her music.
An intense part of her life is her relationship with Bradley. The chemistry between the couple is palpable, and Brabdley often reaches out and touches or caresses Zauner on stage.
Bradley is one of Zauner's most devoted fans and often shares sweet moments of their relationship on social media and glimpses of his wife creating her music.
In her best-selling memoir, "Crying in H Mart," Zauner opened up about her relationship with her mother, who could often be critical of her only child. Zauner revealed:
"She had this blunt honesty that felt exquisitely cruel at times. She was overbearing and critical. I never witnessed my friends enduring that type of thing."
Zauner's relationship with her father was equally difficult. The two are estranged since he started a relationship with another (much younger) woman shortly after Zauner's mother's death. He was particularly upset at the way she portrayed him in her memoir.
The singer's relationship with Bradley's mother is very different. She describes her mother-in-law as a loving, nurturing woman.
Before Meeting Peter, Michelle Dated Women
Peter Bradley is the love of Zauner's life, but he is not the first person she fell in love with. One of her songs, "Everybody Wants To Love You," was dedicated to a former love, whom Zauner revealed was a woman. She wrote on Twitter in 2019:
'"I'm hella bi always have been always will be."
The woman for whom Zauger wrote "Everybody Wants To Love You" never knew the singer was in love with her or that the song was for her.