The New York Yankees' current catcher Kyle Higashioka, started his professional career with the New York Yankees after being chosen by them in the 2008 MLB Draft.
Higashioka was selected by the MLB in the seventh round of the 2008 draft, and he debuted in the league in 2017. He went to Huntington Beach, California's Edison High School and participated in the school's baseball program. He made a commitment to play collegiate baseball for the California Golden Bears at the University of California, Berkeley.
Ted and Diane Higashioka welcomed Kyle Higashioka into the world on April 20, 1990. Ted and Diane Higashioka live in Huntington Beach and have their own business. Kyle is a fourth-generation Japanese American, and his father is the source of his Japanese heritage.

70% Win
70% Win
70% Win
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"Happy fathersday dad ! hard to believe I've been able to maintain the exact same muscle defination since 9 years old"Diane Gribb Higashioka, Kyle's mother, is the proprietor of DGH Background Services. She earned a degree in general sales, merchandising, and associated marketing operations from Cazenovia College in 1970.
Before starting her own business in March 2013, she spent nine months as the crew supervisor at the US Census Bureau. Gribb, a mother of two sons, is of Caucasian descent and was born and raised in Pennsylvania.
"Happy mother's Day to the best mom ever! Without you I wouldn't be here today ! Love you mom ! - khigashioka Happy mother's Day to the best mom ever! Without you I wouldn't be here today ! Love you mom !"Kyle Higashioka's career with New York Yankees
Kyle was selected by the Yankees in the 2017 MLB season after being selected in the seventh round of the 2008 MLB draft. Instead of going to college, he signed with the Yankees and received a $500,000 signing bonus.
In a game against the Toronto Blue Jays in 2020, Higashioka hit three home runs. As the first player to accomplish this while batting ninth in the batting order, he became the 24th Yankee to have a game with three home runs.
Higashioka caught Corey Kluber's no-hitter in 2021 when he faced the Texas Rangers. He hit a home run on June 12, 2022, at a speed of 35.1 mph. He also participated in the 2023 World Baseball Classic as a member of the American baseball squad.
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