Comedian Legally Changes His Name To Hugo Boss In Protest Of The Fashion Behemoth

British comedian Joe Lycett has legally changed his name to Hugo Boss in protest of the well-known fashion brand trying to take down smaller businesses and charities.

Big brands and companies have a weird way of being used by millions of people around the world while also being universally hated. Many of us use iPhones but slam Apple for its practices. People claim McDonald's food to be inedible junk yet millions of people visit their restaurants every single day.

So why do people hate massive worldwide companies? Well, there are a few reasons. Most of all since these companies have more money than most of us can fathom but don't have a face representing them, they are easy to hate. Many of them are viewed as doing irreparable damage to the planet too which really doesn't help, especially in the current climate.

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Some of these companies also choose to pick on smaller companies. In many ways, that's why they have become so successful. Hugo Boss is one of those companies. The fashion giant is taking legal action against smaller companies with Boss in their names, reports The Independent. British comedian Joe Lycett has decided to take a stand against Boss by legally changing his name to Hugo Boss.

Lycett took to Twitter to reveal he had changed his name by deed poll, posting photos of the documents to prove it. The stunt is for the new series of Lycett's (or Boss's) Channel 4 TV show, Joe Lycett's Got Your Back. A Swansea-based company called Boss Brewing will also feature on the show. The brewery has had to spend thousands of pounds in legal fees in its attempts to prevent Boss from forcing it to change its name.

It will be interesting to see what happens next. Hugo Boss might be a worldwide company, but Lycett's efforts are getting a lot of attention. We also wonder what the precedent is for a company taking legal action against someone with their name or vice versa. If Lycett were a shareholder in Boss Brewing would Hugo Boss have to back off? We guess we'll have to wait for the show to air later this year for those answers.

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