The Grand Tour: 11 of the best moments from the first show

THE Grand Tour makes its small screen debut on Friday, when viewers will finally be reunited with Jeremy Clarkson, Richard Hammond and James May.

Amazon Prime have pumped £160million into the show - making it the most expensive TV series of all time.

We got a sneak peek at the first episode, and here are the 11 finest moments:

1) Clarkson on May 

“JAMES May, the world’s slowest human being, has been caught speeding. Richard and I were astonished.”

Clarkson then reveals he was going at 37mph, adding: “How did the police catch you? Were you running?”

2) May on Hammond

“YOU probably can’t see him from the back but I assure you he is here. He was fired by Radio York, Radio Leeds and fired  Radio Lancashire.”

3) Hammond on Clarkson

“JEREMY Clarkson is basically a shaved ape in a shirt. And he technically is the only one of the three of us not to be fired by anyone.”

4) Best nod to Top Gear 

MAY: “It’s a shame really that we can’t take the track around the world with us, isn’t it?

“Because if we did, we could invite some celebrities to drive around it maybe and we could keep a scoresheet of who was the fastest.”

Hammond: “No, I don’t like it.” Clarkson: “I don’t think it would work.”

5) Top US put down

CLARKSON to American audience: “When it comes to cars every word you use is different.

"When I say different, I mean wrong.”

6) Top French put-down

CLARKSON: “George Bush once said, ‘The trouble with the French is that they have no word for entrepreneur’.”

7) Top car moment

HAMMOND while driving a McLaren P1 which has a top speed of 218mph: “I didn’t think it was possible to s*** yourself to death.

“Oh you bad bad naughty car. Jesus.”

8) Best dig

CLARKSON: “Ferrari are quite difficult to deal with from time to time.
“Let’s just put it that way and move on.”

9) Top car gag

CLARKSON on Hammond’s Porsche: “This was boring me to death.

“It was like being stuck in a Victorian women’s novel.

“This is a missionary position car.”

10) Best star cameo 

AMERICAN actor Jeremy Renner enters from a plane 10,000ft above the tent.

But his parachute doesn’t open so he crashes into the desert below.

Clarkson says: “We anticipated that sort of thing . . so we got a back-up guest ready.”

11) Worst star cameo

BRAD Pitt’s face appears on screen during new segment Celebrity Brain Crash.

Clarkson: “Why is there smoke coming out of Brad Pitt’s head? What are we trying to say?”

Hammond: “No we’re not.”

Clarkson: “No, we’re not saying that.”
