SEC Network Peter Burns Wife Lauren Is Mother Of Two And An Alabama Fan

SEC Organization have Peter Consumes and his significant other Lauren Consumes have been hitched for quite a long time. They are guardians to two youngsters, Beaux Victoria Consumes and Thomas James Consumes.

They began dating in 2013, got participated in 2014 and hitched in 2015.

Consumes’ girl Beaux is five years of age, and his child Thomas is three. Notwithstanding being born two years separated, the kin’s birthday falls around the same time, the 31st of October. While others are in the middle of observing Halloween, he and his better half hold birthday celebrations and go house to house asking for candy with the children around evening time. Thus, it’s a triple festival in the Consumes family.

The host and his huge frequently accept their youngsters to Disneyland as a tomfoolery break to have some good times and make valuable recollections. They frequently take their children to lovely and quiet Islands, without any vehicles and disorder yet golf trucks to partake in the day.


— Peter Burns (@PeterBurnsESPN) November 19, 2022

Peter became moving web-based after he kidded about Benjamin Watson’s significant other, Kirsten Watson.

SEC Organization Host Peter Consumes and his significant other, Lauren Consumes, are guardians of two youngsters, Beaux Victoria Consumes and Thomas James Consumes.

Lauren brought forth her most memorable kid, a child young lady, in 2017, and following two years, in 2019, she favored her significant other with a child kid. Beaux and Thomas praise their birthday around the same time, the 31st of October.

The SEC Organization Host and his soul mate are fixated on their children, and the little ones are all around their web-based entertainment. Indeed, even Lauren’s Instagram bio peruses, “Sometime I’ll continue posting pictures of things other than my infants, however today isn’t that day. Tomorrow isn’t doing great, by the same token.”

A&M to LSU

— Peter Burns (@PeterBurnsESPN) November 27, 2022

Nonetheless, she has kept a confidential record and hasn’t imparted admittance to her presents on the overall population. Interestingly, Peter has posted numerous lovable recordings and photographs of his children and shared their excursion from appearance to turning five and three.

Peter Consumes’ significant other Lauren is an Alabama fan, while he is a LSU fan.

They yearly bet on the games among LSU and Alabama and post the outcomes on their virtual entertainment stages, standing out for some fans.

Each year, there is consistently a victor, and the SEC Organization Host generally refreshes his supporters on what discipline the misfortunes face through his informal community. In 2015 when he lost, a video of him lip-matching up “Sweet Home Alabama” was posted on Twitter.

Similarly, when he lost in 2020, his soul mate made him wear a Bama onesie alongside the family for the Christmas photoshoot, and he was unsettled while parading the outfit, yet Lauren’s grin featured the image. The adventure will everlastingly go on till their affection for school football stays alive in their souls.

Peter Consumes and his significant other, Lauren Consumes, have been hitched for quite some time.

Just a perfect CFB Saturday night

— Peter Burns (@PeterBurnsESPN) November 27, 2022

The SEC Organization have sealed the deal with his closest companion in 2015. The 27th of September 2022 marked their seven years of fellowship as a cheerfully hitched couple.

Peter feels exceptionally thankful and favored to have found the most cherishing and steady accomplice he could want and anticipates enjoying time everlasting with the mother of his two cute children.

The beautiful pair dated for a couple of years before Torches got kneeling down and requested that his young lady wed him in Capri, Italy, in 2014. He started posting pictures with his date in 2013 subsequent to joining Instagram in 2012. Subsequently, they have been together for 10 years, and their affection has just bloomed throughout the long term.

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