This is my nomination for the most annoying tv commercial ever produced. It is aired during every commercial break on COZI and I see it a lot on CNN. Stupid bastards who produced it do not realize people like me will go out of their way to avoid their product and/or service.
Offsite Linkby Anonymous | reply 43 | November 5, 2022 7:07 PM |
He could make a mint selling ugly sticks on QVC.
by Anonymous | reply 2 | January 25, 2022 9:34 PM |
The Gainiac who wants you to smell his underwear.
by Anonymous | reply 3 | January 25, 2022 9:54 PM |
I can't believe I played second banana to this clown.
by Anonymous | reply 4 | January 25, 2022 9:59 PM |
The way he says "MONEY" is startling but that's far from the most annoying commercial ever.
by Anonymous | reply 5 | January 25, 2022 9:59 PM |
I hate the restaurant and I hate the commercial.
Offsite Linkby Anonymous | reply 6 | January 25, 2022 10:01 PM |
I want to rip out my pubes.
by Anonymous | reply 7 | January 26, 2022 9:02 PM |
I don’t see commercials. I watch ABC and NBC shows on Hulu and CBS shows on Paramount Plus. I don’t have cable and I watch HBO Max, Netflix, and Amazon Prime.
by Anonymous | reply 8 | January 26, 2022 9:27 PM |
It’s called live tv asshole R8. You don’t need cable for live tv when you can stream live tv
by Anonymous | reply 10 | January 26, 2022 9:29 PM |
HEAD ON apply directly to the forehead HEAD ON apply directly to the forehead HEAD ON apply directly to the forehead HEAD ON apply directly to the forehead HEAD ON apply directly to the forehead HEAD ON apply directly to the forehead HEAD ON apply directly to the forehead HEAD ON apply directly…
Offsite Linkby Anonymous | reply 11 | January 26, 2022 9:34 PM |
This one runs neck-and-neck with that uber-ugly MARTHA skank in the oversize glasses mugging and gurning for the camera. That sure made ME wanna make a call right away. This garbage should be banned. Did wizened ol' Broadway Joe finally hang up his pilly, cheap-looking pullover and retire from the Medicare Take-Advantage Plans shilling game!? I almost miss him, after seeing the latest crew of morons.
by Anonymous | reply 12 | January 26, 2022 9:49 PM |
So who has the most annoying medicare commercial: Jimmie "JJ" Walker, Joe Namath or William Shatner? Or do they all play second fiddle to those idiotic Liberty Mutual commercials? And let's not forget the on-every-second Balance Of Nature vitamins.
by Anonymous | reply 13 | January 26, 2022 9:57 PM |
The abomination known as Kars4Kids gets my nomination
Offsite Linkby Anonymous | reply 14 | January 26, 2022 9:57 PM |
Does Tom Selleck still do the commercial where quotes Faye Dunanway as Joan Crawford in the Pepsi boardroom. That one always bugged.
by Anonymous | reply 15 | January 26, 2022 10:59 PM |
For me, it’s the one where the lady is on the phone talking about getting her kid vaccinated.
Kars 4 Kids is pretty bad.
by Anonymous | reply 16 | January 26, 2022 11:39 PM |
Kars for Kids does SO MUCH advertising, I cannot imagine the "kids" getting very much in return. I would love to know what their admin ratio is. I immediately turn off the commercial whenever it comes on.
by Anonymous | reply 18 | January 27, 2022 12:16 AM |
The Philadelphia Creamcheese commercial where they are floating on clouds. What is that annoying song that plays? It’s creepy and I can’t understand one word they are singing.
by Anonymous | reply 19 | March 2, 2022 10:28 PM |
R14 wins the intertubes for today
by Anonymous | reply 20 | March 2, 2022 10:32 PM |
The Downey Unstoppables ad with the gross pelvic thrusting old lady.
by Anonymous | reply 23 | March 2, 2022 10:47 PM |
by Anonymous | reply 24 | March 2, 2022 10:51 PM |
Jimmie Walker's book - you can see it on the shelf behind him - is called Dyn-O-Mite.
It is actually a very good book about what happens to a young comic when he suddenly gets cast in a HIT tv show and becomes to break out star.
His descriptions of the reactions of rest of the cast of Good Times to his success and their own roles in the show are interesting and unvarnished. He tells how suddenly if a show becomes successful, some cast members decide it's a cash cow - relatives & lovers are put on the payroll as "assistants" and "coaches" and they never stop asking for stuff. Each becomes convinced the show is successful only because of their own efforts......
It's one of the best TV bios I have ever read. And of course - then come the drugs and the inevitable cancellation and slow drop to the bottom.....
by Anonymous | reply 25 | March 2, 2022 10:59 PM |
Fuck that shit r25. He lost any ounce of cred by starring in a scripted commercial made Uber annoying by his own doing. I was a Good Times fan but I will purposely bypass repeats from here on out due to his obnoxious commercials.
by Anonymous | reply 27 | March 2, 2022 11:15 PM |
r27 the brother's gotta pay his bills
by Anonymous | reply 28 | March 2, 2022 11:17 PM |
OMG, that fucking Zocdoc or whatever it is.
‘it hurts when you pee”
That very ugly girl in those biker shorts and Fanny pac? Kill it with fire!!
by Anonymous | reply 30 | March 3, 2022 1:59 AM |
The "Zocdoc" commercial irritates me to no end. "Get your docs in a row"
by Anonymous | reply 31 | August 6, 2022 6:34 AM |
I hate the Skyrizi commercials because the damn song, in all of its multiple incarnations (salsa, country, urban, pop) will stay in my head all fucking day.
by Anonymous | reply 33 | August 6, 2022 7:56 AM |
Liberty Mutual was in a category of its own until recently, but I think I'd rather see a whole block of "Liberty Liberty Liberty" ads than a single airing of one of the animated Gillette Venus ads.
Offsite Linkby Anonymous | reply 34 | August 6, 2022 8:27 AM |
The St Jude’s commercials with the Alec kid that says “adowable blanket” - they show other kids in the commercials that are much cuter and have more charisma without being cloying. Yet Alec has been in every commercial for years and is definitely not getting cuter as he ages. I think he has some blackmail material on Marlo Thomas.
by Anonymous | reply 35 | August 6, 2022 12:55 PM |
I'm pretty sure that in OP's commercial, that woman at 0:37 is Lana Houston (f/k/a Rudy Houston, the male dancer in Janet Jackson's video What Have You Done For Me Lately).
Offsite Linkby Anonymous | reply 36 | August 6, 2022 4:25 PM |
Mara is even more annoying than Flo.
Offsite Linkby Anonymous | reply 38 | August 6, 2022 5:48 PM |
Jimmy Walker looks like he bobbed for apples in boiling grease. Ghoulish.
by Anonymous | reply 39 | August 10, 2022 6:35 PM |
And yet here you are, OP, not only remembering the commercial, but now disseminating it to an even wider audience!
by Anonymous | reply 40 | August 10, 2022 7:09 PM |
Uggh. That hot sauce commercial, "You've got to FRANK IT UPP!" Then, they go on to proclaim their product "Shit", as in " I put that S*** on everything!"
Please, Black Jesus, make it stop!
by Anonymous | reply 41 | November 5, 2022 3:13 AM |
Anything with the illiterate SHAQ.
by Anonymous | reply 42 | November 5, 2022 3:29 AM |
That stupid "I saw it in a commercial that you're watching right now" T-shirt commercial. Annoys me in the same way that people who think they're funnier than they are annoy me.
by Anonymous | reply 43 | November 5, 2022 7:07 PM |