Emmett Till Injuries Autopsy Released By The FBI

Emmett Till Injuries Autopsy was shared during the 50s. Being a member of the Black community, he was targeted by white people and killed. 

Many people are searching for Emmett Till’s Autopsy report. This article will cover all the details marked in the autopsy report. ‘

An autopsy report was shared, which showed that the 14-year-old boy had a gunshot wound on his head. His skull and wrist had broken bones, and his leg was significantly injured. 

His body was found after weeks of search from the Tallahatchie River in the summer of 1955. 

The report also shared the doctor’s remarks, stating, “the crown of Emmett Till’s head was crushed out, and a chunk of his skull just fell out.”

His case was taken to court, but it was the time of the civil rights movement, and being a part of the black community, his mother and family, alongside the black community, didn’t get justice. 

If you’re interested in knowing more about how Emmett Till was kidnapped and Emmett Tills death photos.
