I started reading poetry to my mother during lunch or before sleeping months ago,
and found out that she easily finds a rhyme to end lines whenever it makes sense
(I stop reading when I expect she could continue).
I suppose this is kind of mental gymnastics,
but she is often deeply touched with the beauty of poetry we read,
or we recite while walking or driving our little wheel chair.
She likes music as well - but mostly songs she can understand:
voices must be clear, I choose warm voices,
and I carefully choose optimistic cheerful songs.
I found her sobbing once or twice after listening to some touching verses.
Troubles with my mother started last year, she was 84, after a simple operation went wrong,
and they did not care properly at moments and gave her sedatives to keep her in bed
after she woke up and wanted to go to bathroom, while she was supposed to stay in bed for days,
and aferwards she lost her sight and orientation in space,
while one nurse told me (after I asked them to use mother's cell phone to call me if she becomes restless):
if she is restless at night, we just hum a tune, and she is calm again.
Maybe she taught me to sing to mother and to choose beautiful songs,
I should write her to thank again and again.